Chapter 37

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Naomi seemed like she were going 100 miles per hour, heading back to her house the confront Keith.
"Naomi slow down!" Sebastian says to her
"I'm angry Sebastian! I can't help it!" Naomi responds
"You're gonna get pulled over. Just take it easy, we're not that far away."
The whole time, Naomi kept rambling on and on, about how upset she was.
"Ooo, I'm so mad! He tried pulling this over on me?! Oh no I don't think so, over my dead body! He got me fucked up! All that drama I went through with him and my sisters'...why I so blind?! Why didn't I just listen and reach out to Nova?!"
"Look Naomi, don't beat yourself up about it. This isn't your fault, you love the guy."
"Loved!" Naomi says correcting Sebastian
He gives her a look like he knew she were lying.

" I really hate him now! He's nothing to me." Naomi say in angrily
"You hate what he don't hate him" Sebastian responds
Naomi began to tear up, but held it together with all her pride.
"I feel like an idiot." She says
"You were blinded by love, but who isn't? You're not dumb, you were in love! When it comes to someone you love, can't anyone stand in the way of you two."

Despite the truth being revealed about Keith, there's still love there. She'd grown attached to him. Before leaving to stay with her sisters', and with Marcus for a while, they had never been apart since the day they left Houston!
She was not wrong for still loving him. You can't just turn off your feelings, and let go of the memories, and the care you have for a person.
If it were that easy, Naomi wouldn't be as hurt as she is now.

"Here it goes." Naomi says approaching up to the house
"Please don't do anything crazy Naomi." Sebastian tell her
"No promises." Naomi responds

Naomi's P.O.V.
As I got out the car I looked up at the house to see if any lights were on, but there weren't any I could see from the front.
"His car is still here. He must be inside." I say to Sebastian
I walk up to the door and start feeling on my pockets.
"Shoot! I forgot my keys!"
"You don't have a spare one here under the mat or something?" Sebastian asks
"Oh yeah."
I stuck my hand into the large, rectangular fish tank, in the floor of my door step, and pulled out a artificial rock where I have my spare key.
"That's a smart place to put it." Sebastian comments

I open the door, and everything was cleaned spotless, which is strange.
Keith was a clean person, but when he straightened up, it never looked this clean.
The place looked like no had been here for a while.
"Keith!" I yell
No answer.
I head up stairs heading, going straight to the bedroom; Sebastian was behind me.

I looked around the room, and again it was completely spotless, just like down stairs. This this time a little empty.
"His shit is gone!"
I walked to to drawers where Keith kept his clothes, opening them up one by one, and slamming them back close as I seen nothing was in them.
"He did it. He really did it." I say in disbelief
"Here's a note." Sebastian say, picking up a folded paper off the neatly made, creaseless bed
"What, no text messages?" I say sarcastically
I grabbed the note, and it read
"I love you. I'm sorry."

"Really? That's all I get?! A fake ass sorry and "I love you?" What type of love is this?!"
I crumbled the paper and threw it across the room.
"Psss, you sorry? Oh yeah you're gonna be sorry alright." I scoffed
I looked at Sebastian, and seen him texting on his phone.
"Bash, I highly doubt texting him will help." I say rolling my eyes
"I'm texting Nova. She'll probably know what to do. We can't just let him get away." He says determined
"She didn't even know what to do when this was happening to her, how would she-"
*Sebastian's phone buzzes*
"She said he might be at the condominium. He might be staying there." He says looking up at me
"What condominium? Call her!"

Sebastian calls Nova instantly, and she picks up right away.
"Yeah babe?" Sebastian says into the phone
"Put it on speaker!" I say to him
Sebastian puts his phone on speaker and holds up the phone up.
"You're on speaker." Sebastian says speaking into the phone
"Nova? What condominium are you talking about? The only I know around here, is-"
"The Ivory Condominium." She says cutting me short

"Where Marcus lives?!"

"Yup...where we had our little run-in. That's where he's been secretly staying. Most certainly should be there now."

"Bash, let's go!"


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