Chapter 17

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Keyona's P.O.V.
" you just want me to walk in, get your stuff, and walk out like nothing?"
"Well yeah, if he isn't there. And if he is just say you need to get a couple things."
Instead of Naomi facing up to her issues, she sends me so she won't have to. This has happened before...
"Ok so are you going to call him and tell him I'm coming?" I ask her
I rolled my eyes looking back at her, crossing my arms.
"Look it's fine he won't mind. And besides you finally get to see my house."
"I'm not just going to be touring around your house if you're not there with me Naomi..."
"Why not?" She asks
"I'm so done with you."
I grabbed her keys from inside the bowl that was on the coffee table.
"I'm taking your car." I tell her walking towards the front door
"Drive safe!" She yells at me

I drove the 10 or 15 minutes drive to Naomi's house, and parked her car in the drive way next to, I'm guessing, Keith's car.
I get inside using Naomi's keys.
"Ou her house is nice!" I say thinking about when Karina was speaking highly of Naomi's home.
Naomi needs me to pick up a hard drive and folder from her office, then some extra clothes.
I walk around to try and find her office room. I turned the corner and saw a tall figure standing in front of me, making me jump.
It was Keith.
Keith looked at me confused
"What the? What are you doing here?"

Naomi's P.O.V.
A few minutes after Keyona left, I heard Nonya walking around upstairs.
I know she's upset about Karina leaving so I went up to speak to her.
*knocks on door*
"What?" She answers
I open the door and see her laying on her bed.
"You alright?" I ask her
"Yeah I'm fine. Just upset at your sister."
"OUR sister." I say chuckling
I went over and sat on the ledge of her bed.
"It's just because we moved out here together. We were supposed be in this together, we got the house together! And she just up and leaves without talking to me first. Not even thinking about what she was leaving here. Just wait until she calls, she's going to get an ear full!"
"Don't go off right away. Think about our niece and nephew."
"I think about them all the time. And that fact that she left all her responsibilities here pisses me off. So what when something happens goes wrong out there, is she just gonna up and leave her kids? They're a responsibility too!"
"You're overreacting Nonya." I say to her rolling my eyes
She sighs.
"I just don't have family out here. My mom and our dad lives in New York. Most of our family is up there I came out here with just one sibling. Now you're here, Karina left, and Keyona will only be here for short period of time."
"Ok Nonya I miss my mom. And our dad. I haven't lived with them since I was 18 , you think I'm here crying because Karina left. No to mention Sebastian is in Miami alone, and he's doing fine. But I still have you here with me, and you have me..."
I grabbed her hand
"But it doesn't matter how far family is from us, because they're always a phone call away, and you know that. We always going to be here for each other."
"You're right." Nonya says tearing
"Oh god Nonya don't cry." I say giggling hugging her
"I'm not." She says fanning her eyes trying not to make her tears fall
"I think you're missing something in your life..."
"If it's my sister, that left me here, then yes I am missing something in my life." She says slightly chuckling
"No that's not it." I say smirking
"Then what is it Naomi?"
"Some male attention." I say smirking
"Ugh, shut up."
"It's true! When's the last time you had a guy in your life? When the last time you had some d-"
"Don't go there."
"Nope!" She says walking away from me
"You remember that cute guy with the dreads we met back in Houston?"
She stops dead in her tracks
"Naomi no!"
"You'll thank me later." I say in confidence
"I don't even know him! You don't either, and I don't even know remember what he looks like." Nonya says rolling her eyes
She's so stubborn.
The night of my last appearance at the new club in Houston, some guy was checking out Nonya.
He was 6'0, light skinned, green eyes, light brown neat dreads, muscular, perfect white teeth, nicely dressed, even up to his fingers were cleaned, nicely trimmed. Everything about him was captivating. So there's no way she couldn't remember his face.
"Really Nonya?" I ask looking at her with a dumb face
She just stood there and blushed, trying to hide it.
"Ok maybe I remember..." she said playing with her fingers
I laugh
"That's all I need to hear! Go in your phone and go to your notes. I put his number in there for you, when you were tipsy..."


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