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3 months later

so im still not friends with Amber and Taya but it doesn't bother me anymore and its funny because 3 months ago i would dread going to school and would cry myself to sleep sometimes and now im just like whatever i have better friends now. 

I'm dating this guy his name is Cameron (im sure you already know him but what ever) he is so sweet and our relationship is almost perfect, we hardly ever fight and when we do we makeup after like an hour, my sister Jordan is jealous because she liked Cameron even though he is older so we are constantly fighting over him its so annoying. 

last day of school     

Omg yessss its finally the last day of school i can't wait for the day to be over because it means i will not have to see Amber or Taya for 3 months!!! but it also sucks because it means i will not be able to see Cameron everyday but i'm sure we will try and see each other as much as i can. so i get out of bed around 6.07am because i want to give myself time to look presentable since most days i usually where sweatpants, sweatshirts and have my hair in a bun ahah. im finally ready and its 8.09 and i am just waiting for Cameron to come and pick me up.

Cam drives me me to school and we walk to our lockers holding hands, we don't have any classes together today so when we get to my locker he kisses me and says good bye so i kiss back and say bye he then walks off to his locker, i open my locker and start to hear footsteps getting closer, i look and realize its Amber and Taya, i ignore them and get my stuff for first period i then walk to Hayleys locker which is next to Blakes, when i get the Blake asks to talk me but i ignore him (man i hate fighting with him, its so hard to ignore your best friend), me and Hayley walk to home-group together and when we get there we sit and the back of the classroom with Ally, Natalie, Chloe Mahogany and Jasmine.

skips to after school

Cameron drops Hayley and I off at my house and we walk in to see my mum standing with a man, i look at her confused and she says "hi this is Chad Grier, you step dad", i give her the wtf? look so comes over and pulls me into another room and tells me that she has been dating Chad for a little over a month now, then i say "but you and dad never got a divorce" "yes we did, we must have forgotten to tell you, why do you think your father has not been her?" she said "he told me he was going on a business trip" i said "oh well, we broke up and i am now with Chad and you better get used to it because we are getting married in 2 weeks and his family and our family are getting a house together" i then ask "where is the house going to be?" "i don't know but some where very far away from her" she says, i then yell "I'M NOT MOVING ANYWHERE, I CAN'T LEAVE CAMERON OR BLAKE OR ANY OF MY FRIENDS" mom the says "oh well you are going to have to forget about them" i then leave slamming the door in her face. Hayley and i then go up to my room and she asks "what did she say" i then say "she said that they are getting married in 2 weeks and we are moving some where far away from here but don't worry i will not let that happen. 

i remember that i am in a fight with Blake and if we don't make up i might never be able to say goodbye to my best friend so i decide to text him:

Skyla: he can you meet me at the park in 10?, need to talk.

i wait for him to reply which he finally does about 3 minutes later

Blake: sure will be there soon 

i tell Hayley and we go to the park and when we get there i see Blake so i walk over to me, he then see's me, stands up and hugs me i feels safe when im in his arms and he also has the best hugs, we sit back down and i tell him everything that has happend and by the time i finish it is already 10.47pm so me and Hayley head home, when we walk inside we are greeted by my mom yay! (note the sarcasm) she says she wants us to meet chads kids who will also be living with us so i walk in and see 3 boys and 1 girl chads introduces us to all the kids " this is Will he is 21, this is Nash he is 18, this is Hayes he is 16 and this is there half sister skylynn who is 7" i say hi to them all and go up to my room Hayley follows, so me and Hayley are talking about boys and Hayley  says she kind of likes Hayes (my step brother) which i find hilarious, then mom suddenly walks in with skylynn and tells us that Chad and her are going out so we have to babysit (ugh can this day get any worse?) but before i can say anything mom left so we were stuck with her. 

so Hayley, Skylynn and I end up having to watch a movie because there is nothing else to do so i invite Cameron over and i see if Will, Nash and Hayes wanna watch too, we end up watching frozen because that is all Skylynn would watch which was pretty annoying because i hate frozen but whatever. i put skylynn to bed at around 9.30pm so all us "older kids" watch the conjuring 2 which i find really scary so i ended up with Cameron for most of the movie.


so i hope you ya'll enjoyed that chapter and dont forget to check out my friends storys and also follow them 'teenage love' Taya_Mendes and 'just my luck' DanielSkyeStorys and dont forget to vote ily

sorry i haven't updated in a couple days i have just been struggling to figure out what to write so im really sorry if these next few chapter are bad or short xoxo~ skilla  

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