chapter 4- fighting

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Amber, Taya and I arrive at school, we walk to our lockers and get out books and stuff for first period. I close my locker door, so do Amber and Taya, we start walking to home group, but on the way I spot Blake and decide to ditch them and hang out with him instead.

"Hey Blake!" I said, tapping him on the shoulder "Oh, hey Skyla!" Blake turned around, smiling at me. "How are you?" I asked him "Good, you?" Blake asked "Yeah, I'm alright" I reply. "You know my girlfriend Hayley?" Blake asked me.

How could I forget? He goes on and on about her, she seems like a nice girl though. "Yeah" I answered. Blake started talking about what he loves about Hayley, I get a little irritated and start daydreaming while he is talking.

At Recess

Taya, Amber and I are sitting at our usual stop which is at the stairs next to the oval, we are laughing about when we were younger because we would always get onto fights over who has the best littlest pet shops but we always got over them quickly ahaha, all of a sudden Taya asks why Amber and I were spying on her the other night at her date with shawn so we replied with "because thats what friends do" but Taya just got really mad at me and walked off with Amber for some reason.

so since my friends left me i decided to go and find Blake and his friends, when i find Blake (which wasn't very hard because he was on the oval) i notice he is with Joey (one of his best friends),  Hayley (his girlfriend) and some of her friends (Ally, Mahogany, Natalie and Chloe). i go over to Blake and tell him everything that happend, he doesn't say anything he just hugs me but Hayley gives him a death stare so he lets go, Hayleys and I laugh at his reaction, i go over to Hayley and the other girls and tell them everything that happend so Hayley suggests that i hang out with them so i do. 

3 days later  

so it has been 3 days now and i have not spoken to Amber or Taya since our fight, i have been hanging out with Hayley and the other girls (and Blake) which has been really fun, i have also realized that Hayley is a much nicer person then Taya and Amber are, she has become my new best friend, we have spent so much time together (Blake says were inseparable).

so today on the way to home-group Blake told me that Hayley broke up with him and i asked why so he replied with "because she saw me cheating on her"

i got really upset at Blake because Hayley is one of my bestfriends and she didn't deserve to be cheated on so i walk off and head to home-group, i get to home-group and see Hayley crying so i go over to her and realize she is crying because of Blake so i assure her that it will get better and that Blake is a jerk for doing what he did to her because she doesn't deserve it. Blake walks into the class late and everyone stares at him (i have a feeling everyone knows what happend) he goes and sits with Cameron, Shawn and Daniel.

After school

i get home and realize no one is home so i go and make myself some food and a coffee then i go and sit on the couch and turn on pll (pretty little liars) and i watch the latest episode, then i hear my phone beep so i go up to my room and check my messages and i have a message from Cameron saying 


hey wanna go pokemon hunting?

so i reply with 


so i go outside to get into my car when i realize my car is in the shop so i have to walk there which doesn't take me that long but when i got there i saw that Cam was already there so i walk over to him,he stands up and hugs me which was surprising since we hardly ever talk but whatever.

it went silent which was kind of awkward "i heard there is heaps of poke stops at the beach" is say breaking the silence "well lets go to the beach he says" we start walking towards the beach in silence when all of a sudden he says "i heard about what happend between you Taya and Amber and im really sorry" i reply with "why are you sorry?, its not your fault were are in a fight" then he says "i know but im still sorry" "thanks" i say.

we make it to the beach but i wasn't feeling well so i tell Cameron that im just going to sit down for a bit so he says "ok" and sits down next to me, we lay next for each other looking at all the clouds when all of a sudden i feel a hand touch mine, we are now holding hands and it feels nice, i dont want to let go but i end up having to because it is now really dark, i check my the time which is now 12:37am so i show Cam the time and we start walking back to my house.

we finally make it back to my house and i say bye to Cameron and climb through my window into my room because the doors are locked and everyone is asleep.


so i hope ya'll enjoyed this chapter and don't forget to check out my friends storys and also follow them 'just my luck' DanielSkyeStorys and 'teenage love' Taya_Mendes (these are the stories they are writing for the competition so dont forget to read their other books) 

and if you liked this chapter then please vote and also comment any suggestions you have for this book byeeee ily 

i would also like to thank Taya_Mendes for helping me write part of this chapter

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