chapter 14- is he alive?

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previously on 'high school love': i saw a nurse come out, she came and said something to me...

"i'm so sorry but Hayes did not make it,he started to stop breathing, we tried to get him back but we couldn't, im so sorry" the nurse says to me 

"no this can't be happening, you have got to be lying to me!" i say "im so sorry miss, im not lying" the nurse replies with.

i sit in the waiting room tucked up into a ball crying into my knees until Nash comes and sits next to me (he is also crying) he assures me that everything is going to be OK and that he is in a better place now but that just makes me cry even more. I finally stop crying after about an hour but i only stopped crying because mom came in and made me go home, i walk out of the hospital to see that mom and Chad had bought a new car while Hayes was in the coma so i walk to the car and get in, then all of a sudden Skylynn says "where is Hayes?", it was so hard telling her what happend but i had to, after i told her she said "so Hayes is never coming home?" i shake my head because i could not get any words out, she then starts crying which makes me cry but i then made Nash cry, we were all in the back of the car crying, we cried all the way home.

we got to our new house and i walked straight inside and straight up to my bedroom and lay on my bed, i grab my phone and go on vine i then search 'Hayes Grier' and i watch every one of his vines. it is now around 11:30pm so i put my phone down and try to sleep but i can't, i can't stop thinking about Hayes, i keep replaying all our memories in my head, i eventually cry my self to sleep.

the next day 

i wake up to my alarm going off because its Monday and i have my first day back at my old school, i am actually excited for school today because i get to see all of my old friends except i know i'm going to get lots of questions about Hayes but anyway.

at school

i go straight to my locker when i get to school (they gave me my old locker back because no one was using it) when i get the Amber and Taya are at the lockers (which are next to mine) so i walk over to them and they both scream "SKYLAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!) btw they had no idea i was back, i run up and hug them and they hug me back, we then get our stuff for first period and second which was math which usually sucks but our teacher lets us do anything we want for the two periods so its actually pretty fun.

we start walking to home-group when all of a sudden Taya says "what happend to Hayes" so i tell her "well we were on our way back here when all of a sudden we got into a car accident and i woke up in hospital and then mom told me that Hayes was in a coma and then yeah he didn't survive" "OMG i'm so sorry" Amber and Taya both say in unison, we get to home-group and everyone was staring at us which was really awkward but anyway we went and sat in our old spots and it felt like old times, it was great, it was amazing being back but i also miss everyone in Arizona but anyway.

after school

Taya and I are at Amber's house, we are really bored so we are just sitting on Amber's bed being our bored usual self's when all of a sudden Taya says "lets go to Starbucks", man she is obsessed with Starbucks, we all agree on going to Starbucks so we start walking to Starbucks when all of a sudden we are interrupted by Phoebe (a bitch that hates us because we dated the "popular" boys) "eww Satan's back" she says giving me a nasty look "i may be Satan but at least im not a dumb slut that no one likes" i reply with she then turns around and walks off.

we get to Starbucks and order our drinks (i get a 'strawberrys and cream frappe'and Amber and Taya both get a 'double chocolate frappe') we then decide to walk back to my house because there is no one there but when we get there i see my dad.


heyyyyyy guyyysssss sorry this is a short and shit chapter, i legit have nothing to write but anyway dont forget to read my friends books 'just my luck', 'just our luck' and 'the joys of being camerons little sis' DanielSkyeStorys and 'teenage love', 'lovers reunite', 'sinners of the world', 'my lover is my ex bully' and all the other books she has Taya_Mendes and also follow them i promise you wont regret it.

byeeeee xoxo~skilla/Skyla Dallas 

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