Chapter 14

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Sierra POV

"And this is where you'll stay whenever you come" denim said pointing towards a bathroom.

"In the bathroom?" I asked. "Of course not" diezel said stepping on denim foot. Okay I guess he doesn't like me.

"This is your room" diezel said opening the door leading to a beautiful big room. Slightly bigger then the one at Tamar's house.

"Wow this is amazing" I said in aw.
"So we're gonna let you look around more come out once your done" diezel said smiling. "Thanks" I said and him and denim left closing the door.

I looked around. I walked inside the big walk in closet. I walked in the big bathroom and looked around. This is so cool.

I decided to go back with diezel, I opened the door and walked out making my way back to the way we came. I stopped when I heard diezel voice coming from another room.

"Give her a chance denim. She's done nothing to you" I heard diezel say. "No way. She's just gonna cause trouble. Mom barely pays attention to us now" denim said and I felt the tears coming.

I ran back inside of my room and slammed the door and cried.

(Toni POV)

I heard a door slam and wondered who did it. I assumed it was the kids playing around.

"What was that" Tamar asked. "I don't know lets go check" I said getting up from the living room.

I walked inside of diezels room and seen him and denim talking. "Where's Sierra" I asked. Denim rolled his eyes. "She was in her room. Did you guys hear a door slam or something" he asked.

"Wait here" I said. Tamar and I walked over to sierras room. I knocked on the door. "Sierra?" I yelled and there was no answer.

I opened the door to find Sierra curled up in a ball on the bed. Tamar ran to her side. "What's wrong? What happened" Tamar said and she continued to cry.

"Can we l-leave?" She cried and my heart broke. She wants to leave my house? "Sierra what Happened? Why do you want to leave" I asked. She kept quiet and I got up to go back in diezels room.

"Did one of you do or say something to Sierra?" I asked and diezel looked at denim with a glaring face.

"Denim" I said raising an eyebrow. "What? I didn't say nothing to that girl" he said with an attitude. "So why is she upset" I asked. "Why are you asking me" he spat. "First off watch your tone with me young man. Second there has to be a reason she's crying and saying she wants to go back to Tamar's house" I said strictly.

"She's crying?" Diezel asked worriedly. Yes" I said. "Can I go see her" he asked. "Sure" I said and he got up and left.

(Tamar's POV)
"You promised me" Sierra cried. "You promised they were going to love me" she said. I didn't know what to say I was just in shock myself.

Diezel came in and I was so happy cause I didn't know what to say. He started talking to Sierra and eventually she started to feel better.

(Toni POV)
I looked at denim who was sitting on the bed with a mean look on his face. I walked over to the bed and sat down.

"What's your problem?" I asked and he ignored me. "Denim!" I said raising my voice and he looked. "What is your problem" I said more strictly. "You. Your the problem" he yelled. "Excuse me?" I said.

"Your never here. Your always on tour or somewhere. And when you finally come back I have to share you with some girl I don't even know." He yelled and I was shocked.

"What's wrong with the two kids you have already. You go out and get another one when you BARELY HAVE TIME FOR THE ONES YOU HAVE NOW" he yelled then started crying.

I feel terrible. I wrapped my arms around him and he hugged me back. "Denim. Is this how you felt all this time?" I asked and he nodded his head. "Baby I'm so sorry. I know I have been busy and I'm sorry. We adopted Sierra because she was being abused she had no where else to go." I said. "She doesn't have a mommy who loves her and takes care of her like I do you. She need some love in her life" I explained and eventually he understood.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you" he said. "It's okay I understand how you feel" I said

"Can I go talk to her now?" He asked and I nodded my head. We got up and left and went back to sierras room.

Sierra had calmed down she was now talking to Tamar and diezel but once denim and I came in she got quiet again.

"Sierra I'm really sorry how I treated you. I just felt alittle left out but I'm extremely fine with you staying here really" he said and I smiled and so did Sierra. He walked over to her and gave her a hug.

"That's what I'm talking bout" Tamar said. We all smiled and started talking again. Few minutes later we decided we was going to watch a movie before it was time for Tamar and Sierra to leave.

I put on norbit and the whole entire movie was nothing but laughs. Sierra was snuggled into Tamar and I was snuggling with my boys. This is what I like to see everyone getting along.

Everyone being a family.

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