Chapter two

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It's been about two months since school started, I've become great friends with a lot of Gryffindors, I'm talented in all my classes and of course to every good thing there is a bad thing.
I sighed as I sat next across from Harry at the table in the great hall.

" What's wrong Lily?" Harry asked.
"Draco sent a letter to mother and father saying I was put in Gryffindor"
" I don't understand is that bad?" Hermione asked looking up from her book.
" Believe me it's really bad" I slammed my head into the table
" Why is it bad? I don't understand" Harry looked so confused

" Every person in my family that has come to Hogwarts was always put in Slytherin, my uncle and me are the only people from my family to be put into Gryffindor"
" Your uncle was put into Gryffindor?"
" Yes"
" What happened to him when his family found out?" Ron gulped

" They disowned him"
" What was the name of your uncle?" Harry asked putting his hand in mine
" He's not dead, and it's Sirius Black"
" What?!" Ron shouted
" Your uncle is Sirius Black"
" Yes"

" Who's Sirius Black?" Harry asked
" He's a murder, he was put in Azkaban prison ten years ago for helping you know who kill and tourture people"
" That's a lie, it wasn't him, he hates the dark lord that's why he ran away and never told anyone his last name, he didn't believe in what the dark lord said so he ran"

" Why are you calling you know who the dark lord?" Hermione asked
" My family are followers of the dark lord, please do not tell anyone"
" Y-your family...they're death eaters?"
" Yes" I sighed
" What are death eaters?"

" Jesus Harry you know nothing, death eaters are what the good people in the wizard world call Voldemort's followers"
" You said his name?!"
" Ron calm down, nothing will happen if I say his name. I've got to go to class I'll see you guys later".

I walked across the school to my class when I bumped into the teacher.
" I'm so sorry sir" I said looking up at him. His face I've seen him before.
" Shouldn't you be in class?"
" I-I was just on my way"
" Good, I suggest you hurry up, don't want to be late"

He walked off as I walked into my class, sitting down. He was scary.
After defence against the dark arts class was over it was time for the class I like to call ' how to use magic for beginners'
I sat down next to Harry and smiled as he smiled at me.

" Oh looks like Potters got himself a girlfriend" Draco laughed.
Harry smirked, put his arm around me and pulled me close to him.
" I sure do and she's gorgeous" Harry smirked
" Go on Potter tell us who she is?"
" It's your sister" Harry smiled as I turned my head to look at him.

Draco's smile dropped as everyone laughed at him.
" Lily what are you doing with him?!"
" Calm down Draco he's not my boyfriend, he just wanted to tease you".
Before Draco could say anymore the teacher cleared his throat.

" Good morning everyone, today we are going to learn levitation. The ability to make objects fly. Have you all got your feathers? Good now repeat after me ' Wingardium leviosa"
I heard Ron and Hermione talking about the spell and decided to try it.

I took out my wand and pointed it at the feather.
" Wingardium leviosa" I said as I flicked my wrist and watched the feather float, as it floated I noticed a feather close to it and saw it came from Hermione.
" Oh well done, look here everyone Ms. Granger and Ms. Malfoy have done it".

As Hermione and I walked out of class, we heard the boys in front of us talking.
" It's leviosa not leviossaa, honestly she's a nightmare no wonder she hasn't got any friends" Ron said as the boys agreed.
Hermione walked past them crying, I ran after her as fast I could.

We sat in the bathroom as she cried I rubbed her back telling her to forget what they said and that she was an amazing witch.
" I'm going to go and get you some food, you wipe your eyes, blow your nose and I'll meet you back in the common room with food, ok?"
" Thanks Lily your a great friend"

I hugged her and walked to the hall, I walked past Harry and Ron and began getting food for us.
" Hey Lily, sit down and join us" Harry smiled
" No thanks. I don't want to sit down next to you two jerks!"
" What did we do?" Ron asked with a mouth full of food

I looked at him with a killer look in my eyes. Everyone close to us at the Gryffindor table looked at us.
" I have just been in the bathroom for hours with Hermione because she is crying her eyes out after what you said about her! Ronald Weasly, and you Harry, Seamus you three should be ashamed of yourselfs! All she was trying to do was help you prefect the bloody spell Ron! And you two idiots just had to agree with him just because your boys, you make me sick!" I shouted as I stormed out of the hall to the common room.

When I got there Hermione was no where to be found so I ran back to the bathroom and saw her wiping her eyes.
" Hey you ok?"
" I'll be fine"
" The foods in the common room if you still want it?" I asked
" Yeah let's go"

Hermione and I turned around and saw a giant troll staring at us, we slowly backed away and ran into the bathroom stales. The troll smashed the stales and we both screamed.
" Lily Hermione move!" Harry's voice shouted.
We did as we were told and crawled.

Harry and Ron threw sticks at the trolls head, taking his attention. Hermione and I both crawled under the sinks until the troll broke them. The troll grabbed my foot and pulled me into the air as I screamed.

Harry grabbed the trolls club as he went to hit me with it. He landed on the trolls head and the troll tried to shake him off.
The troll dropped me on the ground, making me smack my head on the floor and go unconscious.

" Lily!!" I screamed
The troll grabbed my leg and pulled me down. He waved his club and swung to hit me but I pulled myself up and he missed.
" Do something!!"
" What?"
" Anything, hurry up!" I yelled

The troll swung his club over his head.
" Wingardium leviosa!" Ron said
The club fell on the trolls head and dropped me. I grabbed Lily and pulled her out of the way as the troll fell.
Hermione walked out from the sinks as we stared at the troll.

" Is it dead?" She asked
" No I don't think so, just knocked out".
Professor McGonagall, Snape and Quirrell stood at the door.
" Oh my goodness, explain yourselfs both of you!" McGonagall shouted

" It's my fault Professor McGonagall" Hermione said
" Ms. Granger?"
" I went looking for the troll. I read about them and thought that I could handle it but I was wrong. If Harry, Ron and Lily hadn't come found me I'd probably be dead".

" I am very disappointed in you Ms.Granger, five points will be taken from Gryffindor for your serious lack of judgement, as for you two gentlemen I will reward five points to each of you for sheer dumb luck. Professor Snape please help me bring Ms.Malfoy to the hospital wing" Professor McGonagall said

" I'll take her myself" Snape said covering his leg as I noticed blood on it. He picked up Lily and walked out of the bathroom with Professor McGonagall.
" Quickly go to your common room before the troll wakes up" Professor Quirrell said as Hermione, Ron and I went to the Gryffindor common room.

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