Chapter one

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I shot my eyes open after my horrible dream and I was surprised to find myself in my room in the Malfoy mansion. I looked around my room, and at my arms, I'm smaller , I jumped out of my bed and looked in the mirror, I had my baby face, my hair wasn't as long.

My door opened and my mother walked in.
" Are you ready?"
" For what?"
" Draco and your first day of Hogwarts"
" Hogwarts?"
" Yes your first year, you'll have to hurry if you want to be on time".

She left closing the door behind her, I can't have been, I was dreaming it was all just a dream. Nobody's dead nobody's gone missing, thank god.

I put everything in the carriage after I put on my black dress and ribbon. I looked at Draco trying to figure out what happened,
" Why are you staring at me?"
" You look so young"
" Of course I do I'm 11 same as you"

We said goodbye to mother and father and was on the train to Hogwarts. Draco had managed to find a seat so I kept looking, I found a cart that had two boys and a girl so i decided it was the best I could get.

" Excuse me?"
They all looked up at me
" Sorry do you mind, everywhere else is full"
" No go ahead"
" Thank you" I said as I sat down next to the girl.

" Hello I'm Ron, Ron Wesley"
" I'm Hermione Granger, and you are?"
" Lily, Lily Malfoy"
" I'm Harry, Harry Potter"
I looked at them surprised, oh my god they are alive.
" It's nice to meet you"
" Lily you better get changed into your robes, we'll be arriving soon".

I got changed into my uniform, a grey jumper, white shirt, black tie, grey skirt that was almost at my knees, black knee high socks and a black cloak.
We got off the train and the four of us walked to the front of the line where a giant stood.

" Hey Hagrid" Harry smiled
We followed him to boats that we took to the castle.
Hermione and I talked to each other on our way up the stairs and stood next to Harry and Ron when we came to the top.

A teacher greeted us, told us we'd be put into house, then walked into the room for a moment.
" So it's true then what everyone was saying on the train. Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts" Draco said
He stood in front of Harry and smiled
" Malfoy. Draco Malfoy"
Ron chuckled

" Think my name is funny do you? Red hair and a hamydown robe, you must be a Wesley, you'll soon find that other wizard families are better then others Potter, I can help you there"
" I think I can tell the wrong sort for myself thanks".
Draco looked at me
" What are you doing there? Come you should be standing with me"

" Draco not now"
" She can stay here with us if she wants to, why do you care if she does anyway?" Ron said
" She's my sister you idiot"
" We are ready for you how"

We walked into the giant hall and stood close to the teachers where a stool and a hat was waiting for us.
" When I call your name you will sit I shall place the sorting hat on your head and you will be put into your houses"

After a while a lot of people were in their houses already, Draco was in Skytherin, Harry, Ron and Hermione were in Gryffindor.
" Lily Malfoy"
I walked up and sat on the chair, the sorting hat was put on my head and it made a grunting sound.
" Difficult very difficult, good mind, plenty of courage, and a thirst to change something, but where to put you?"

It was quiet for a few seconds until the hat spoke again.
" I know, Gryffindor!"
I'm in Gryffindor just like in my dream.
I walked over to the table and sat down, when everyone was put in their houses the feast began.
It all tasted so good, I was making great friends with Harry, Ron and Hermione it felt good to have friends.

Ron's older brother showed us to the Gryffindor common room. It was so nice and cosy it felt like a real home.
Everyone ran up to their rooms except for me and Harry.

" Are you alright Harry?"
" Yeah I'm just taking this in"
" Why?"
" I don't really have a home and this place just feels like it is my house"
" I understand just how you feel"
" You do?"
" Yes"
" But you have a home with a brother , a father and a mother someplace to call your own"

" That's not entirely true, yes I have parents and I do have two older brothers but I don't know when I'm at home I feel like I don't belong, but standing here it feels right"

Harry looked at me, I couldn't tell what expression he was feeling so I just hugged him.
" Don't worry Harry your not the only one who's searching for a place they belong"

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