Chapter ten

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It was the last tournament and I was saying goodbye to Cedric, I gave him a kiss and hugged him. " Please come out safely" " I will I promise, when I'm back I'll take you on a special date".
I gave him a final hug and kiss and I took my seat next to Ron and Hermione. Cedric and Harry went in and we sat down waiting for hours until Harry and Cedric came out. I ran down to the two boys with a smile on my face, but my smile vanished and I screamed.

I sat on the ground next to Harry and cried as I touched Cedric's face. I looked at Harry crying and he hugged me tightly. Cedric's father ran down and cried as he saw his sons dead body. I cried into Cedric's chest as Harry was dragged away by Professor Moody. I hugged Cedric's father and he hugged me back. " He really loved you, he had this big surprise after this to prove it to you. I just hope you know you meant the world to him" " I loved him too".
People came and moved Cedric's body and his father went with Cedric. Hermione and Rom hugged me and bought me back to the common room.

Professor McGonagal came in soon after " Ms. Malfoy, Cedric's father has asked for you to come and say your goodbye". I nodded and went to the infirmary, I saw him lying there, his eyes closed. I couldn't help but cry again as I saw my beloved lying there. " I loved you so much Cedric, I even saw you in my future as my husband and I even pictures our children, I know it sounds stupid but I know what I felt towards you was real and I'm so sorry I never got to say this to you in person" I kissed his lips gently and stood to the side.

The doctor covered Cedric's face with a white sheet. Cedric's father began making plans for the saddest day of his life as I walked away never to see Cedric again. I went back to the common room and saw Harry, I ran over and hugged him and he hugged me back. " I'm so sorry Lily, Cedric didn't deserve to die, you two were great together" " He liked you Harry, he always thought of you as a good friend" " Lily he asked me to take care of you and his last words to you were ' I love you so much Lily Malfoy, do not forget me or what we had but please continue your life and don't be afraid to love another'".

" How did he die?" I asked Harry sighed " Voldemort" " M-my father did this?" " He's not a good man Lily" " I know". " Lily he said he's coming for you" " What?" I asked shooting my head up. " Voldemort he said he's coming for you so you can be a family again" " I don't want to be his family" " Don't worry Lily we'll make sure Voldemort won't have you". " Yeah, what are friends for", I hugged my friends and smiled. We were now I'm the train home and I had fun talking with my friends. " I don't want to leave you guys again" I said sadly " Don't worry we'll write to each other all the time" Hermione smiled.

" I know you will but those two better" " Yeah every week" Harry rolled his eyes and smiled. When the train stopped and I collected my things, I hugged all my friends goodbye and walked over to mother. " Lily we have a surprise for you at home" when we got home mother fixed me up and walked into the house. There standing before me was the one and only " Voldemort" I said. Voldemort turned around and smiled at me " Lily, my beautiful daughter" he hugged me awkwardly " It's been a long time but I see you've grown into a beautiful young lady". " What are you doing here?" I asked " Lily don't talk to him like that" Lucius said " It's alright Lucius, you see Lily I have come to get you" " Why?" " So we can be a family again, having to give you up was one of the worst things in my life" he smiled " I don't want you as my family" Voldemort's smile dropped " You killed my boyfriend and tried to kill my friends four times"

" Oh Lily you have some thinking to do" " What?" I asked " You don't seem to understand" " Understand what?" " I am your father and the dark lord and you will do what I say or I'll slaughter all of your friends, now what do you say? Family again?" I nodded and he smiled " Good you shall no longer no longer go by the name of Malfoy, you'll now go by your original name, Lily Riddle" Voldemort smiled and rubbed my cheek " We'll have a great life together, won't we?" He asked
" Yeah we will" I smiled
We kept our promises and wrote to each other all summer and because of Voldemort was living with us I had to wear more black cloths, all colourful were thrown out. I was packing for school when Voldemort walked into my room.

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