Chapter three

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" Hermione we're sorry for what we said the other day" I said
" It's ok, anyway how do you think Lily's doing?"
" I don't know, she still hasn't woken up"
" I hear Malfoy's furious about what happened and even wrote to his father about it" Hermione said

" I just hope she's alright, that's all that matters" I said as the three of us walked into the hospital wing.
" There they are!" I heard a voice shout.
I looked up to see Draco and what I can assume is his farther.
" You'll pay for this Potter"

" Draco shut up and come here!" The man shouted
" Look Mr.Malfoy I tried my best to protect her I just wasn't quick enough" I explained
" I'm not Mr.Malfoy" he laughed
" Then who are you?" Ron said confused

" I'm Scorpius Malfoy, I'm the eldest of the Malfoy family, and don't worry Harry I know this wasn't your fault" Scorpius said sitting down next to Lily's bed.
" How do you know it wasn't my fault?"
" Lily of course"

" Lily! She woke up?"
" Yes about an hour ago, she explained the situation, of course Draco here doesn't accept it but he'll just have to deal with it" Scorpius said glaring at Draco
" Ugh"

I looked at the bed to see Lily moving, I ran to here side and took her hand. Her eyes fluttered open as her eyes adjusted to the light. She looked at Scorpius and smiled and then turned her head and looked at me.
" Harry?"
" Hey Lily"
" Harry!" She shouted as she jumped up and hugged me, I jumped in surprise but hugged her back.

" Harry are you ok? What about Hermione and Ron?" She looked so concerned.
I laughed as I hugged her again
" We're all ok you calm down we're fine"
She sat back on the bed and looked down
" How dare you touch her Potter"
" Draco shut up!" Scorpius shouted

" What time is it?" Lily asked
" It's four, school just ended" I said
" How angry is dad?
" You know what he's like, but don't worry about it Lily he'll get over it"
" Ms.Malfoy you can go now" a nurse said coming in the door.

" Alright, thank you" Lily said standing up
" I'll see you butterfly and you knuckle head in a few weeks" Scorpius said as he kisses Lily's head and patted Draco's back.
" See you around Potter" Draco said as he left the wing with his brother.

" Your brother is scary" Ron gulped
" Scorpius?" I asked
" Yes Scorpius I'm not going to be scared of Draco am I "
" Scorpius wouldn't hurt a fly, the only reason he would hurt you is if you hurt me"

" Let's go back the common room, we have a surprise for you Lily" Harry said taking my hand and walking me out of the wing. We walked up the stairs and they changed.
" Let's go through that door" Harry said
" Before the staircase moves again"

We walked through the door and I got a bad feeling
" Does anyone feel like we're not supposed to be here" Ron said
" That's because we're not supposed to be here this is the third floor it's forbidden" Hermione said
" Let's get out of here" Harry said as we all turned around

" It's filch's cat!" I shouted
" Run" Harry said and we all ran down the corridor to a door. Harry pulled on it but it wouldn't open.
" It's locked!"
" That's it we're done for?" Ron squeaked
" Oh move over, alohomora" Hermione said pointing her wand at the door, the door opened and we got inside.

" Filch is gone" I said
" I wonder why this doors locked" Ron asked
" It was locked" Hermione corrected him
" And for good reason" Harry said
We looked to see a giant third headed dog. The dogs growled at us as we screamed and ran out the door locking it again.

" What do they think they're doing keeping a thing like that locked up in a school" Ron said
" You don't use your eyes do you? Can't you see what it was standing on?" Hermione asked
" I wasn't looking at its feet I was looking at its heads, if you didn't notice there were three"

" It was standing on a trap door which means it wasn't there by accident, it's guarding something"
" Guarding something?" Harry repeated
" Yes, now if you two don't mind, we're going to bed before either of you make up another plan to get us killed or worse expelled" Hermione said as we both walked into our room.

The next morning we were all sitting at the table in the great hall eating breakfast.
" Go on take a bit of toast mate" Ron said
" Rons right Harry your going to need your strength today"
" I'm not hungry"
" Good luck today Potter, after a troll I'm sure a game of quidditch should be no problem for you, even if it is against Slytherin" Snape said as he walked away limping.

" That explains the blood" Harry said
" Blood?" I asked
" I'm guessing on Halloween Snape let the troll in as a diversion to get past that three headed dog but he got himself bitten that's why he's limping"
" But why would anyone go near that dog"
" At the bank, Hagrid took something said it was very secret, Hogwarts business that's what the dogs guarding"
We all stared at each other then left for the first game of quidditch.

" Welcome everyone to the first game of the season, today's game Slytherin vs Gryffindor!".
I stood next to Hermione, Ron and Hagrid as we watched the game.
Half way through the game Harrys broom started throwing him off.

Before I knew it Hermione was gone, oh Harry please be alright.
After a few minutes Harry got back on his broom and was back chasing after the the golden snitch. He stood up on his broom and fell, I grabbed Ron's hand then quickly pulled away after Harry spit out the snitch.

A week or so later everyone was leaving for Christmas. Hermione and I packed our things together then walked downstairs to the hall where Harry and Ron were.
" Queen to E5" Ron said as his chest piece moved and broke Harrys.
" That's totally barbaric"
" That's wizards chess, see you've packed" Ron said

" See you haven't"
" Change of plans, my parents are going to Romania to visit my brother Charlie"
" Good you can help Harry to look for information on Nicholas Flamel"
" We've looked a hundred times"
" Not in the restricted section, Merry Christmas".
" Have a great Christmas you two" I smiled walking away.

After a long journey I was finally home.
" Ahh Draco, Lily welcome home my darlings" mother said hugging us both.
" It's great to see you mum" I smiled
" It's great to see you too"
" LILY" I screamed as I was lifted into the air by Scorpius
" Scorpius you scared me"

We all laughed together
" Who wants hot chocolate?" Mother asked
" Me please" I said
" Draco?"
" Yes please mother"
" Where's my favourite nephews and niece?"

I turned to see my aunt Madam Lestrange standing in the living room.
" Lestrange" I smiled as I ran over and hugged her.
" How was your time at Hogwarts?"
" It's amazing, I have so many friends and everyone is so nice"
" Slytherin is the best house my dear, of course you'd experience such pleasures"

" Sister" my mother said
" What is it?"
" Lily is unfortunately not in Slytherin"
" What? Why not? She's a Malfoy "
" She's in Gryffindor"
Lestrange looked down at me
" Your a Gryffindor!"

" Sister do not be angry, she is not the only follower of the dark lord to be put into Gryffindor"
" That's true, alright I guess it's ok as long as she still is loyal to the dark lord"
" I am and always will be" I said

This holiday was so long, I just wanted to go back to school. I missed Hermione, I missed Ron, I missed Harry.
' Why do I get strange feelings in my chest whenever I think about him'.

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