Chapter thirteen

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Christmas had gone by really fast, faster than I wished and now I don't even know how I feel. I mean on one hand I want summer to come so I can stay away from everyone at school but I also don't want summer to come because I don't want to deal with my dad anymore. I lied on my bed and sighed, I turned as the door opened and saw Draco " Hey Lily, you okay?" " Yeah, I just don't know how I feel about going back to school" " You miss them don't you?" " Yeah I do, but it's too late now I know we won't be friends again" " You don't know that, come on we need to get the train, as much as I don't like those three I know you care about them and I'll try my best to get along with them for you" " Thank you Draco" " Anything for you, so come on let's go". Draco helped me up and we got in the car to the train station, Draco went to the Slytherin section and I went to the Gryffindor section, I went to the very back and sat in a room by myself. I knew nobody would talk to me or want to sit with me so I just looked out the window staying quiet, I heard the door open and I saw who it was through the window and I sighed " I'll leave you three alone" I said standing up and walking out the door when someone grabbed my hand, I looked to see all three of them had my hand and they pulled me in the room and sat me down " Lily please don't go, we all miss you so much. Our friendship isn't complete without you, we need you Lily" I looked at them shocked and I cried. Harry pulled me into a hug and I wrapped my arms around him and cried, he rubbed my back gently " It's okay Lily, we swear we're never gonna leave you again" " I'm sorry Lily, I shouldn't have been such a bitch, you've been my best friend since we came to the school" " You've helped me in so many ways I'm sorry" " I'm sorry too".

We sat down and talked about what we did over the Christmas break, " That sounds amazing Hermione" I said " Yeah it was pretty great, what about you what did you do?" " Nothing really, just a load of dates with Draco, talked a lot with my dad and was sorting out stuff for the wedding" " Your still marring Draco?" Harry asked " Of course I am, if I don't there's no telling what my dad will do" " We understand, don't we Harry" " Of course". " I missed you guys so much" " We missed you too" the train stopped suddenly and we all grabbed the the chair and wall so we wouldn't fall " What's happening?" Ron asked and Hermione put her hand on his shoulder. We saw black smoke outside the train and I grabbed Harry quickly " It's okay I'll protect you Lily" Harry said giving my hand a little squeeze, the black smoke was now outside our door and when the smoke cleared it turned into two men. The door opened and the men stepped inside " Lily come with us" " What?" " Come with us now" " She isn't going anywhere with you" Harry said standing up and the men pushed him back down " We can do this the easy way or the hard way". I stared at them not knowing what to do when the tall man spoke " I guess it's the hard way" he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder, he walked through the train and everyone looked at me " What do you think your doing? Put he down now!" I couldn't see who it was but I recognised the voice " Draco what is going on?" I asked " Be quiet girl, you boy come with us" the man said and they started walking again until we were in the baggage section of the train. The man dropped me and I fell to the ground and winced " Lily are you alright?" Draco asked " Yeah I'm fine" I said standing up " What do you two want from us?" Draco asked " It's not what they want Draco it's what I want" we turned around and saw dad standing there " Dad what are you doing on the train?" I asked " I came to tell you something" " What?" " Snape will be looking out for you two" " What?" I asked confused " Snape will be like your father while you are at Hogwarts, he will be watching you all carefully" dad said and vanished. " He couldn't have just wrote a letter" I sighed, the two men turned back into smoke and as they vanished the train started moving again, I sighed in relief " It's about time, I'll see you later Draco" " No wait" he said and grabbed my hand " What?" " While we're here alone maybe we could" " Draco I'm not sleeping with you on a train" " No I was going to say make out" " Just a little, we'll be at Hogwarts soon" I said and he nodded.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and held me close, he pressed his lips against mine gently and I softly kissed him back. We stayed like that for awhile until Draco deepened the kiss, making it passionate and lustful, he moved his tongue in my mouth and I pulled away " What's gotten into you Draco?" I asked staring at him " I'm sorry Lily, we're seventeen I just wanted to try get a little further" " On the train to school?" I asked giving him a look " I'm sorry, I'll make it up to you later, go back to your friends and I'll see you later tonight". We walked out of the room and went our separate ways back to our sections, I opened the door and walked in the room " Lily thank god what happened?" " It was just my father, he wanted to talk" I said " It's nothing important" " I'm just glad your safe" Ron said " Your like a second little sister to me, need to keep you safe" " Thanks Ron" I smiled " Anyway what were we talking about?" I asked changing the subject. When we arrived at the school we took the carriages to the front gate and walked inside, got changed into our uniforms and sat down at our table in the great hall. We were enjoying catching up with everyone when Dumbledore stood up " Welcome back everyone, I have no doubt in my mind that you enjoyed your Christmas break and are looking forward to catching up with your friends, but do not forget that school is school and you should be having fun and staying at the same time, I hope to see all these smiling faces at the end of the year" " I would like to say a few words" Umbridge said standing up and everyone rolled their eyes.

" It has come to my attention that there is a secret club that uses magic to fight against the dark arts, now I don't understand why these people think they need it when there is nothing out in the world that would harm you children, now I would like to give people the chance to come forward if I will be forced to use other measures" everyone went quiet but nobody came forward and we all smiled " If that's your final answer" Umbridge said and sat down. " Now before the feast behind professor Snape would like to say something" Snape stood up " I would like to see Lily and Draco after dinner in my office" Snape said and sat back down. " What's that about?" Ron asked and I shrugged " I don't know, maybe I did bad on his test" I said but we ignored it and started eating happily, joking and laughing and just having a great time. After dinner I stood up with my friends as we all laughed leaving the great hall when my arm was grabbed, I turned to see Draco standing next to Snape " I'll see you guys back in the common room" I said as I walked with Draco and Snape all the way to Snape's office. We walked in and he closed the door behind us " Now I assume the dark lord told you" " Well he just said you were going to watch out for us" I said " And that's exactly what I'm going to do, I'm going to be keeping a very close eye on you two and make sure you get along nicely so this marriage can go forward" " You know about the marriage?" I asked " Of course I do, I'm not a fool Ms. Riddle the dark lord trusts me, he tells me as much as he wants so I can keep you safe for him".

" Now if you have no questions you can leave and go straight to bed" Snape said staring down at us " Goodnight professor" I said and left the room " Wait Ms. Riddle come back I have a topic I would like to discuss with you". I walked back into the room as Draco left and Snape closed the door, we walked to the top of the class room. " You remind me so much of your mother" Snape said staring at me " My mother?" " Yes, Elizabeth Riddle, she looked just like you when she was your age" " You knew her?" " Of course I did, we were best friends growing up" " How did she die?" I asked and he sighed. " I don't think your ready to hear that story" " Please professor, that was the first time I heard her name please tell me" " Your father killed her" " What?" I asked completely shocked " She was fighting with him, it was right before he killed the Potters. She refused to let him near you because she didn't want you to turn out like him, evil and dark. She had packed her bags and was leaving with you but he panicked and cast one of the deadly curses at her and she died". " He killed my mother" " It was an accident, he regretted it straight away because he said the wrong spell, he hugged her dead body for hours until he decided to take you and run. Then he killed the Potters and was weak so he gave you to the Malfoy family because I was too busy to look after you" " Wait what?". " That's right Ms. Riddle, I was meant to raise you" " You? Why didn't you?" " Because I was a Hogwarts teacher, I couldn't bring a child to my classes and raise you to be as emotionless as me, as much as I regret not taking you in your still like a daughter figure to me. That'll be all Ms. Riddle go back to your common room".

I left the room and started walking back to the Gryffindor common room, ' Snape was meant to raise me?'. I walked into the common room and saw Harry, Ron and Hermione on the couch waiting for me, when they saw me they jumped up " Lily, what happened?" " What did Snape want you for?". I sat down and looked at the floor " He was telling me about my mother" " Your mother?" Ron said " Voldemort didn't have her himself Ronald" Hermione said and we chuckled a little, " What about your mother did he tell you?" Harry asked. " He told me her name, that I look like her, how she died and..." " And what?" " He told me that he was meant to raise me" " What?" " You were meant to be Snape's daughter until Voldemort came back" " Yes". " That's just freaky" " What was your mothers name?" Harry asked " Elizabeth Riddle" I smiled " How did she die?". My smile vanished and I looked at the fire " He killed her" " Who did?" " Voldemort, he killed her because she was running away with me", Harry grabbed my hand and squeezed it " It's alright Lily" " I know, I'm just glad I know something about her" " You should get to bed its late" " Yeah, goodnight guys" I said standing up and walking into the bedroom ' He killed my mother, the bastards going to get what's coming to him'.

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