Chapter fourteen

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Everybody is still practicing their magic in our secret club that Harry teaches very well, Umbridge has been questioning students and Draco has been trying to get me to confess but I never talk to him about it. We were practicing like any other day and it was really fun, we were having a little break and Harry came up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me in close to him. " Harry what are you doing?" I laughed " I'm holding my favourite person in the world" he smiled at me " Everyone's staring" I whispered and he looked around " Yes I love Lily, happy now?" Harry said to everyone " She's with Draco" " Not by choice" Harry said " Right?" " Of course, if I wasn't been forced to be with Draco, I would gladly be with you Harry" Harry smiled at me and I smiled back " Let's kill Voldemort and let these two kids be together" Ron shouted and everyone cheered. Harry leaned forward to kiss me when the wall broke, we turned and saw a small hole in it. Harry walked forward and looked through the hole " Everyone get down" he said and he ran beside me, the wall completely broke and there was Draco, other Slytherin's and people from the ministry of magic.

Draco pushed Harry off of me and began to drag me to Umbridge's office, " Draco let me go" I said to Draco on our way there. Draco pushed me against the wall and put his hands on either side of my head, " You are in an army that is going against your father" " What army? We aren't an army, we're just getting Harry to teach us how to fight against the dark arts" " Oh really? That's why he was on top of you when I walked in?" " You broke the wall, he was trying to save me". " Remember who your family is Lily, remember that I love you" Draco said before dragging me into Umbridge's office, " So we finally have the trouble makers" Umbridge said. " What are you going to do? Make us write lines" I glared at her and she walked over and slapped me across the face " I will not tolerate cheek Ms. Riddle" " You called" Snape said walking in the room " I want some more truth serum for these trouble makers". " I'm sorry but you used the last of it getting Ms. Chu to talk. Maybe you could let them go" " Never! Not until I find out where Dumbledore is and what they are planning. I'll have to torture them, who should we start with, you Mr. Potter?" Umbridge said and looked at me " Or maybe you Ms. Riddle, if I hurt you I can get Mr. Potter to talk" " Torture me all you want, I'll never tell you anything".

Umbridge raised her wand and Harry shouted " No please don't hurt her! I'll tell you anything you want" " Harry it's fine I can handle it" " I'm not letting you get hurt Lily" " It's either me or everyone goes down, so do you're worst bitch". Umbridge raised her wand again " Tell her" Hermione said " Tell me what?" " If you two won't then I will" " Tell me what?" " Dumbledore's secret weapon". Umbridge grabbed Harry and Hermione and left the room, leaving us alone with the Slytherin's, Draco put his head on my shoulder " I'm sorry Lily" " Go away Draco" " I still love you, I'm only doing this to please your father" " By holding me hostage, and letting her hit and torture me" " Lily" " Draco if you want to marry me, you'll shut up". Draco turned my head and kissed me, I pulled my face away and slapped him " What have you got there Wesley?" " Sweets, I'm hungry" " No way, I'm taking them" Crab said and all the Slytherin's started eating them, Draco handed me one and I turned away from him. Soon enough all the Slytherin's were getting sick and we all ran out of the room and onto the bridge where we found Harry and Hermione " How are we going to get to London?" I asked " We fly of course" Luna said and we all got on our broom sticks and flew to the ministry of magic.

We were walking around a dark room trying to find the thing Voldemort wanted when Harry stopped and looked at something " It's this, it has to be" he said and took it. Then death eaters came and started attacking us, we were fighting against them all and ran through the door but fell and landed in a bigger room than before, black smoke surrounded us and Harry was left in the middle while the rest of us had death eaters holding us with wands at our throats. " Mr. Potter causing more trouble it seems" Lucius said " You've managed to bring your friends this time and my future daughter in law" he said standing in front of me, " We all know how you feel about her, you love her" " Shut up you don't know anything" " I know that if you give me that the dark lord will reward you, he might even give you his daughter" Harry lowered his wand. " He would?" " Of course my boy, the dark lord awards all those who help him, if you're heart truly desires Lily he will give her to you, just give it to me" Lucius was getting closer as Harry stared at me " I do love you Lily, but I can't let him have this" Harry said and smashed it off the ground. White smoke filled the room and there in front of us was the order of the Phoenix " Sirius!" Harry shouted and soon we were all fighting again, Beltrix le strange stopped and killed Sirius, " Nooo" Harry yelled as he ran after her.

I ran over to Sirius and he rubbed my head " Take care of him for me" he said before dying. I ran after Harry when I saw Dumbledore and dad fighting, " Lily!" Harry yelled and Voldemort turned around to me " Lily my beautiful girl, help me kill potter" I looked at Harry and shook my head " No, he's my friend" " And I am your father, do not disobey me lily you will not like the outcome" " I'll never hurt my friends" Voldemort shot at me and I flew across the room and hit my head off the tiles " Lily!!" Harry screamed " Harry" I whispered. Harry started talking on the floor but I couldn't hear him, everyone ran in the room as Voldemort burst out of Harry and vanished. Ron and Hermione checked if I was okay and Lupin picked me up " Don't worry Lily, we'll make you feel better" " He's going to hurt me" I said and Lupin looked at me confused " Who is?" " Voldemort" " We won't let him hurt you Lily, all of us are a family and we will protect each other". After being in hospital for a while I was finally feeling better, we said goodbye to Hagrid and I turned and bumped into Harry " Harry" " Lily, I'm so glad you're safe" " I'm glad you are too, how are you feeling?" " A lot better" " Harry I'm sorry about my father" " I should be thanking you, you stood up to your father for me" " I couldn't hurt you Harry, I could never hurt you" " I don't want to hurt you either" " But it sounds like soon we might be on different sides" I said. " Yes it does, but hopefully when all this is over we can start fresh" " Id like that" I smiled " Until then I'll leave you with this", Harry pulled me in close to his body, dipped me and kissed me passionately, I kissed him back and when we pulled apart I smiled at him " I love you Harry Potter" " I love you too Lily Riddle".

We got on the train and were soon at home, when I got home I slowly walked into my father " You betrayed me Lily" " No father it wasn't like that" " Then explain to me why you would not do what I said" " He's my friend, I can't hurt him nor can I hurt any of my other friends, I love them too much". " This can not continue, next year you must not see those friends of yours" " What?" " You must stay with Draco, I shall have you changed into the Slytherin house" " No! I will not leave my friends or move houses, I will not betray my friends" " But you will betray your father" " You are not my father" I said. " Lily you are going to regret saying that" " I will never regret it, I owe my friends my life" Voldemort raised his wand at me " I'm sorry Lily, forgive me. Crucio!" Voldemort shouted and I fell to the floor screaming in pain, the pain felt like it was never ending until he finally stopped, I lay on the floor in a daze when Voldemort grabbed me by the throat and held me up to him " You will do as I say Lily, you will rule what I leave behind, you and Draco will rule my kingdom, my empire so do not betray me again, do you understand?" " I understand father" " Good, don't disappoint me again".

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