Chapter nine

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Its been a while since Harry and I spoke after that night, I still hung around with Hermione and Ron but if Harry came over he'd be awkward and I'd leave. Everyone knows about Cedric and I, even "father"and "mother" know, it was Saturday and I was sitting on the grass right outside the wall of Hogwarts reading my book. I was in the middle of reading when hands were put over my eyes.
" Guess who?"
" Ummm Snape"
" How dare you"
I laughed and turned around
" Hello Cedric" I smiled
" Hello beautiful" he kissed me lightly on the lips and put me in between his legs.

" So what book are we reading today?"
" A muggle book"
" Really?"
" Yeah, Hermione gave it to me, it's called twilight"
" Oh I've read that, I would make a sexy Edward Cullen" he winked
" Sorry I'm team Jacob"
" My heart"
" Haha I'm sorry but Jacob is bette"
Cedric pinned me down and hovered above me
" Cedric"
" You are to stay like this until you apologise"
" No team Jacob! Team Jacob!"
Cedric kissed me passionately and I kissed him back, after a few minutes of kissing I felt his fingers grazing my hips, I shivered when his hand touched my butt. I pulled away from the kiss and Cedric looked at me.

" Are you ok?"
" Yeah just feels a bit weird"
" Sorry I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable"
" No no it's fine, I like it I'm just not use to it"
" Let me enlighten you" he smirked and leaned in to kiss me, his lips slightly grazed mine when someone coughed. We looked up to see Harry
" What do you want Harry?" I said
" I was wondering if I could talk to you Lily, in private"
" I don't know"
" Please"
I sighed and nodded
" Oh wait Harry about the dragons I wanted to repay you" Cedric whispered something to Harry and he nodded

Cedric kissed my cheek
" I'll meet up with you later, have fun with him"
I nodded and walked away with Harry, Harry stopped on the roof that over looked the sea
" Is this what you wanted me for?"
" No I just thought here would be a better place to talk"
I looked out at the view for a few seconds, looking at the sunset
" Then talk"
" It's kind of hard to talk about"
" Harry if your just going to waste my time then I'll just go"
I walked towards the door when Harry grabbed my arm and spun me around, facing him, Harry looked at me
" I'm sorry but I can't help it"
Harry walked to me, put his hand on my cheek and kissed me.

I was so shocked I didn't know what to do, I felt Harry put his other hand on my shoulder, he gave it a tight squeeze and I slowly kissed him back. We both stood there with the sunset masking us in a beautiful background, his lips felt so soft and full of love. He slowly pulled away as I fluttered my eyes open, we stood there staring at each other in disbelief that we had just kissed. I looked into Harrys eyes and he stroked my cheek.
" What was that for?"
" For being stupid and not confessing to you earlier"
" Confessing?"
" Lily I love you" Harry said
" Harry.."
" I know, your with Cedric and I respect you two but I-"

" Oh you respect us do you?"
We turned to see Cedric staring at us with such anger in his eyes you could see a small flame
" Cedric.."
Cedric grabbed me and pulled me behind him then he pushed Harry
" What do you think you are? First you treat her like dirt then when someone else has her you kiss her"
" You saw me kiss her?" Harry asked
" Yes I saw you kiss her, and I heard you confessing to her"
" Cedric-"
" Save it Potter, Lily's mine get over it and find someone else"
Cedric grabbed my arm and pulled me into the school as students stared at what had just happened.

" Cedric are you alright?" I asked
Cedric stopped in an empty hall way and slammed his fists against the wall
" I can't believe he would kiss you, I thought we were becoming friends then he goes after you like that"
I put my hand on his back when he turned around and looked me straight in the eyes
" Do you like him?"
I looked Cedric back and shook my head
" No I don't, I only like you Cedric"
" The next challenge is tomorrow" he sighed
" Cedric get some sleep, that would be the best thing to do"
" I can't, not after that I have too much adrenaline"
" I'm just happy you didn't hit him"

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