Chapter five

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I woke up bright and early excited that it was almost time for school. Don't get me wrong I had an amazing summer but I couldn't wait to go back to school, I missed my friends so much. I jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom and had a nice hot shower, I dried my hair and body put on a black skirt and top. I put my hair in a black ribbon and went downstairs for breakfast.

I sat at the table smiling as my breakfast was set in front of me by the cook.
" What are you so happy about?" Draco asked
" Im excited to go back to Hogwarts"
" Why? It's such a pathetic excuse for a school"
" Unlike you Draco I actually love Hogwarts and my house"
" Whatever Lily" Draco snarled

I rolled my eyes and ate my breakfast and drank my orange juice.
" Thank you for the breakfast" I said to the cook as I went upstairs and brushed my teeth,I went into my room and put my stuff in my trunk.
" Lily! Draco! Hurry we're leaving"
" Coming mother!" I put on my black shoes and put my Gryffindor cloak on. I walked downstairs with my trunk and put it in the car.

We drove to Diagon Alley to get a few last minute things. Draco and I walked into the book shop while father was talking to a man from work. I looked through the books while Draco was looking down at the people below, I looked down at what he was staring at to see Harry, Ron and Hermione.
Draco walked down the stairs angrily.
" Bet you loved that didn't you Potter!? Famous Harry Potter can't even go to a book shop without making the front page".

" Draco" I ran beside him annoyed
" Leave him alone" A red haired girl said
" Look Potter you got yourself a girlfriend"
" Now Draco play nicely" my father said putting his cane on Draco's shoulder.
Father looked at everyone then his eyes lay on Harry.
" Mr.Potter excuse my rudeness" father pulled Harry forward and looked at his scar.
" Your scar is legendary as is the wizard who gave it to you"
" Voldemort was nothing but a murder"
" You must be very brave to speak his name".

" Fear of the name only increases the fear of the thing itself" Hermione said
" This must be Ms.Granger"
I tried to move over to Harry, Hermione and the Weasley's but Draco put his arms out to stop me from moving. Father looked at the family moving his eyes up and down each one.
" Ah you must be the Weasley's"
" Children it's crowded in here how about we wait outside".

" Arthur"
" Lucius"
" Here you are talking to mugals when I thought your family could sink no lower, your a disgrace to the name of wizard"
" My family have a different idea of the disgrace of wizard Malfoy"
" Clearly, look at the state of these books" Father said as he picked up a book from the girls arms then put it back in.
" Goodbye everyone, see you at work Arthur" father left the shop then Draco got in Harry's face.
" See you at school" Draco grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the shop.

" Draco let go of me!"
" No you'll go back to your mud blood friends"
I looked at him in shock and smacked him.
" How dare you say that about my friends!"
Father put his hand on my shoulder and gripped it tightly.
" Lily you know how I feel about you and Draco fighting"
" Sorry father"
" Its alright, you are my special little girl, I can let this one slide, come it's time to get on the train".

We got in the car and drove to the train station.
" Goodbye Draco have a good term"
" Goodbye father"
" Goodbye Lily, you'll be a good girl for me won't you?"
" Yes father"
" Good girl, I'll see you soon".
We bordered the train when Draco grabbed me again, I looked at him in the eyes as he tightened his grip.
" I'm going to make sure you don't see your stupid friends this year Lily"
" Let me go Draco"
" Why should I?"

" Draco please your hurting me"
" Leave her alone Malfoy!"
Draco turned around to see Fred and George staring at him.
" Get lost Weasley's this has nothing to do with you!" Draco spat
" She's a Gryffindor, and she's our friend so it has got something to do with us"
" Draco please-"
" Shut it Lily!"
" Let her go Malfoy or else"

" Or else what?"
Fred and George got closer to us, Fred grabbed Draco by the shirt and George grabbed his arm and pulled me behind him. Fred pushed Draco into the Slytherin carts, Draco brushed off his jumper and glared at them.
" You'll get what you deserve Weasley's and as for you Lily I'll talk to you later".
Draco walked away and Fred and George turned to me.

" You alright Lily?"
" Yes thank you guys" I said rubbing my wrist
" What a jerk, who would do something like that to their own sister?" Fred asked
" Thank you guys, I owe you one"
" Its fine, as long as your alright Lily, if Malfoy bothers you like that again tell us and we'll sort it out" George said putting his hand on my shoulder.
" Yeah us Gryffindors have to stick together"
" Thanks guys it means so much".

" We'll walk you to Hermione's cart"
" Hey Hermione look who we found"
I walked in and smiled
" Hey Hermione"
" Lily it's so great to see you"
" Its great to see you too"
" We'll leave you two girls alone, remember what we said Lily".
Fred and George left and I sat down across from Hermione.

" I'm so sorry about what happened in the book shop"
" It's fine Lily I knew you were trying to move away, why was Draco dragging you?"
" I have no idea, he's been odd since my father talked to him during the summer"
" What did they talk about?"
" I don't know, I wasn't allowed near them, but he's been watching me and today wouldn't let me near you guys, it's really weird"

" I'm sure you'll be fine once we get to Hogwarts"
" I hope so, hey where's Harry and Ron?"
" I have no idea, maybe their with Fred and George"
" Maybe, I'm sure we'll see them later".
Hermione and I carried on talking about our summer vacations when we arrived at Hogwarts. We got in a carriage with Neville Longbottom and Oliver Wood.

" Hello girls, happy to be back to Hogwarts?" Oliver asked
" Very I missed everyone so much"
" You'll have a great time then, oh and Lily I heard what happened with your brother on the train if he ever does something like that again tell me, alright?"
" I will thanks Oliver"
" Anytime" he smiled at me.
" What happened on the train?" Hermione asked
" I'll tell you later".

We got to Hogwarts and went into the great hall, the first yeas were sorted into their houses and the feast began. While we were eating Hermione looked at me.
" Come on Lily tell me what happened on the train?"
" What happened?" Harry and Ron said sitting down beside us.
" Where the hell were you two?" I asked
" We missed the train and flew my dads car here"

" We'll explain the rest later but what happened on the train?" Harry asked
" Its no big deal, it's actually nothing" I said
" Yeah right, we caught Malfoy hurting Lily" Fred said
" What?"
" He had her pinned against the side of the train with his hand gripped tightly around her wrist saying he was going to make sure she bearly sees you three"
Everyone looked at me and I looked down rubbing my wrist.

Harry took my hand and pulled up my sleeve to see a red mark around my wrist.
" Lily I'm so sorry I wasn't there to help you" Harry said sorrowfully looking at me
" It's fine Harry, it's nothing" I said taking my arm back
" How is that nothing? He's hurting his own sister" Ron said
" It's only a mark"

Harry surprised me by pulling me into a hug
" I'll be there to protect you next time"
" Thank you Harry".
After dinner I went straight to bed.
Classes were same as usual but I was really happy when it was lunch time, I met Harry, Hermione and Ron outside Hagrid's house and the five of us had lunch together.

"How's everyone?" Hagrid asked
" We're fine, how about you Hagrid?"
" I'm fine, I'm happy to get to see you four again"
" We missed you too"
We ate our food and laughed together when the bell rang.
" Time for you four to go back to classes, I'll see you later"
" Goodbye Hagrid"
We all ran to our next classes and before I knew it the day was over.

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