Chapter eight

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I sat there waiting for them to leave or say something bad but Hermione hugged me.
" Just because your his daughter doesn't mean your going to be evil like him"
" Your not angry? Or going to leave?"
" No why would we? We've been through so much together, it's not Hogwarts without the four of us together" Ron smiled
" I don't care how many times your father tried to kill me, your still my best friend" Hardy smiled
" Thank you so much"

" How did you find this out?"
" Remember two years ago, the night Draco told me something and I never would tell you, well here it is"
" Well it doesn't change anything, your still our best friend"
" Your the best friends ever" I smiled and hugged my friends
" Please don't tell anyone, there's no telling what would happen if people knew"
" Don't worry Lily, we'll keep this to ourselves " Hermione promised

Just then a note flew to the door, I opened it and took the letter.
" Who's that from?" Ron asked
" It's from Cedric" I said sitting down
" What does that guy want? You swear he was interested, he hasn't left you alone since the match"
" Charming Ronald, what does it say?" Hermione asked
" Dear Lily
The last few days with you have been great and I've never felt more connected with anyone like this before, your a beautiful and special girl and I'm nervous to say that I like you, if you like me too walk outside your door I have a surprise for you, from Cedric"

I looked at Hermione surprised
" What should I do?"
" Do whatever you think is right"
" That's a load of rubbish, he's just going to hurt you" Ron scowled
" Ron's right you shouldn't date him Lily there's nothing good about him"
I was so surprised when Harry said that, I opened my mouth but quickly shut it.
" I'll see you guys later" I said and walked outside.

I closed the door, took a deep breath and turned around to see Cedric standing there with a rose in his hand.
" I didn't know what flowers you liked so I brought you a rose" Cedric smiled
" I love roses" I smiled and took it from him
" That's a relief" he laughed
" I'm guessing you like me too" he smiled
" Why would you think that?"
" Because you came outside your door"
" Well maybe I like you little" I smirked

" I little is good enough for me" I couldn't get over his smile, I smiled back and he slowly leaned in to kiss me when Fred and George popped out of nowhere.
" What do you think your doing with Lily, Cedric?"
" Oh my god, you scared me" I jumped
" I'll head back to my seat, I'll see you later at dinner" Cedric kissed my cheek and walked away and I smiled.
Fred and George looked at me suspiciously.
" Uh I need to use the bathroom"

I walked into the bathroom and came back out a minute later, I walked to my door and heard everyone talking inside.
" There's no way that happened!"
" I'm telling ya he was about to kiss her, got her a rose and everything"
" You might want to hurry up mate, before you lose your chance with her".
I heard them stand and I quickly walked back to the bathroom, when I heard the door close, I opened the bathroom door to see Fred and George leaving the room. I went back in and slept the rest of the way to Hogwarts.

When we were changed and the first years were put in their houses Professor Dumbledore made an announcement about a wizard tournament, then an all French girl school came in the room, then an all boy Russian school came in, then dinner was served.
In the middle of dinner a note flew over to me.
" Look everyone, Lily got a note" Seamus said
Everyone looked my way as I opened it
' Dear Lily
After school tomorrow meet me at the library and I'll bring you somewhere special, from Cedric '
I smiled and looked behind me and saw Cedric smile back
" Don't tell me a Malfoy is dating Cedric" a girl said in disgust, Cedric must have heard it because he came over and put his arm around me.
" Oh yes he is, and he wouldn't settle for anyone else"

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