Chapter six

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I woke up the next morning feeling incredibly tired, I kept hearing voices all night. I got ready as fast as I could and met Harry, Ron and Hermione in the great hall for breakfast.
" Hey guys" I smiled sitting down
" Hey Lily"
" Morning Lily"
" Are you alright Lily?" Hermione asked
" I'm tired but other than that I'm fine, why?"
" Last night I heard you whispering something, I couldn't hear what you were saying but you sounded scared"

" I must have had a bad dream"
" Well hopefully you get a better night sleep later"
" Hopefully, anyway you two excited for detention tonight?" I looked at Harry and Ron.
" Ugh, no it's going to be the worst, I have detention with Snape" Ron gulped
" I have detention with Lockheart, consider yourself lucky"
" I wouldn't mind detention with him" Hermione smiled putting her hands on her cheeks.
" What's with all the girls loving him? I don't understand it at all" Ron said annoyed

" I don't like him, I think he's quiet stupid"
" Thank you Lily at least one girl understands us"
" Lily is there any wizard you do like?" Hermione said looking at me " I've never heard you talk about liking anyone"
" Well I've never thought about it"
" Think about it now, look around the room and see if there's anyone you like"
" Besides Harry" Ron laughed
" Shut up Ronald, I do not like Harry, Harry and I are just friends, right Harry?"
I looked at Harry as he stared at me, I couldn't see any emotion in his eyes.
" Yeah, we're just friends"

" Well go on Lily look around the room and tell us who you like the look of"
" Fine" I sighed and looked around the room until my eyes landed on a Hufflepuff boy. Hermione followed my eyes then looked back and whispered.
" You like Cedric Diggory" Hermione said
" I mean he's cute"
" Maybe you should go talk to him"
" No, maybe next year"
" Alright just don't regret it if he gets a girlfriend" Ron sighed
" We're all too young for that stupid" I said flicking his head

I looked at Harry as Hermione laughed and saw he had a troubled look on his face.
" What's wrong Harry?"
" Oh uh nothing, sorry anyway"
We all just started talking and went through our classes then went to dinner.
" How was detention Ron?" I asked
" It was a nightmare, Snape had me clean his classroom top to bottom than gave me lectures about how disappointed my family must be"
" Sounds painful, where's Harry?"
" I think he's still doing detention"
" Let's finish dinner then go look for him".

We walked around the castle to Lockhearts office when we found Harry.
" Harry-"
" Did you hear that voice"
" Voice! What voice?"
" I heard it in Lockhearts office then again just now-"
' kill! Kill!! Kill!!!'
" Where's that voice coming from?"
" You can hear it too?!" Harry looked at me

" Yeah, but I don't know what it is"
" It's moving, I think it's going to kill"
" Kill?!"
The four of us ran down the hall and turned the corner to see spiders leaving the castle through the window. I turned my head and saw water all over the floor.
" What happened here?"
We looked up at the wall and my eyes widened.
" The chamber of secrets has been opened, enemies of the heir beware".
" It's written in blood"
" Filch's cat".

I turned my head to see the corridor fill with students and teachers.
" Everyone go to their dormitories now, everyone except you four" Dumbledore pointed at us.
" He killed my cat, you saw what he wrote on the wall!" Filch shouted
" Sir I swear I never touched her"
" Liar"
" Sir If I may, maybe Potter and his friends were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time" Snape said
" Then again, I don't recall seeing Potter at dinner"
" I'm afraid that's my fault, Potter was helping me answer my fan mail" Lockheart stepped in

" That's why we went looking for Harry, Professor, we just found him when he said-"
" When I said I wasn't hungry, we were on our way to the common room when we found this"
" Innocent until proven guilty"
We were allowed leave and walked back to the Gryffindor common room.
" Do you think I should have told them about the voice" Harry asked
" Are you mad?" Ron shouted
" No Harry, even in the wizard world hearing voices isn't a good sign"

That's the first time I've ever heard a voice like that, I'm just as confused as Harry, what's going on in this school.
I got up the next morning and walked around the school, slowly towards the great hall for breakfast.
" Morning" I said sitting down
" Hey"
" Where's Ron and Harry?"
" I don't know I haven't seen Harry this morning, but Ron said Harry was tossing and turning all night"
" I hope he's ok"
" He was having nightmares about the voice, have you had any nightmares?"
" No, why?"
" You heard the voice too"

" Yeah, I'm fine I haven't had any nightmares I'm completely fine"
" That's good, we can find them later, for now I'm going to class"
" Alright, bye Hermione"
I was in the middle of drinking some orange juice when Draco grabbed my shoulder, he leaned in close to my ear and whispered.
" Meet me in the Slytherin common room tonight at nine, don't be late".

What does he want now. When it came to lunch I wasn't paying attention to the conversation and kept wondering about what Draco wants I was deep in thought when someone touched my shoulder.
" Lily!"
" Sorry what?"
" What's the matter?"
" Sorry I'm just thinking"
" About what?"
" Draco said he wants me to go to the Slytherin common room today"
" Why?"
" I don't know"

" Maybe we should come with you"
" Really? You wouldn't mind?" I asked
" Of course not your our friend and we can tell your nervous to go alone" Harry smiled
" Plus we have to make sure Malfoy doesn't hurt you again" Ron added in
" Thank you guys"
At half eight the four of us got Harrys invisibility cloak and walked to the Slytherin common room.

When we arrived at the Slytherin common room Draco was sitting on a desk waiting. I walked out from under the cloak and stood in front of him.
" Ok I'm here, what do you want?"
" Well it's nice to see you too"
" Get on with it Draco" I sighed
" Alright, father sent a letter to me earlier "
" About what?"
" Oh I'll tell you just not your friends"

Draco turned his head and looked in the direction of where Harry, Ron and Hermione were.
" There's nobody there"
" Oh really? Get them boys"
Three guys jumped out and grabbed Harry, Ron and Hermione.
" Draco what the hell"
" Like I said, I'll tell you about it but not them".
Draco nodded at the boys and they dragged Harry, Ron and Hermione out of the room.
" Lilly!!" Harry shouted as he was dragged out of the room. Draco grabbed my arm and looked at me
" Now let's talk".

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