Chapter four

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Christmas was now over and school was starting in a few days. I had woken up to the front door been slammed, I got up and put on my new tight black dress that went to my knee and covered my chest and arms, and put on some black tights with black shoes. I brushed my hair and put a black ribbon in my hair.

I walked downstairs to see my mother and aunt arguing with someone.
" You can't make her do anything"
" It's what the dark lord wishes"
" She is still a child, only eleven years old, can this not wait till she is older, at least seventeen" my mother pleaded to the man in black.
" I'll ask the dark lord for more time, but your lucky you haven't done anything to get on the bad side of the dark lord" the man turned into black smoke and vanished.

I walked into the kitchen and stared at my mother and aunt.
" Mother? Aunt Lestrange?"
" Lily! How long have you been standing there?!"
" How much have you heard?"
" I heard aunt say that that man can't make me do something"
Mother and Aunt looked at each other.
" Mother what is it?"
" It's nothing to worry about now, come I'll make you breakfast".

I sat at the table confused and Aunt Lestrange looked at me.
" You have questions, ask me them"
" Who was that man?" I asked
" Thar question I cannot answer, he is undercover for the dark lord".
" What is it that he wanted?"
" You"
" Me? But what would he want with me?"
" The dark lord wants you for something that is very important, but until you are seventeen you can not know".

Before I knew it Christmas was over and I was back in school. I had told Harry, Hermione and Ron about what had happened, they seemed just as confused as I was.
" What do they mean by the dark lord wants you for something important?" Hermione asked
" I don't know, my mother and Aunt won't tell me anything, my father left for business, and my two brothers know nothing".

" Well at least you don't have to worry about it for another six years" Ron said
" Thanks Ronald"
" Are you alright Harry your very quiet?"
" Oh sorry I'm fine".
" What were you thinking about?"
" I just think it's strange"
" What's strange?"
" Lily, has the same name as my mother, was born around the same time my mother was killed, is a Malfoy but is in Gryffindor and she's the one Voldemort wants out of all his followers, it's just strange."

" Harry when you put it like that your scaring me"
" Harrys just over thinking again" Ron said as if washing off everything Harry had said.
" Guys I found the book" Hermione said
" The three headed dog is guarding the philosophers stone"
The four of us ran to Professor McGomagalls office.
" We need to see Dumbledore now!" Harry shouted

" I'm afraid he is not here, he got a letter from the Ministry of magic and left for London"
" Buts its important it's about the Philosophers stone"
" How did -"
" Someone's going to try and steal it"
" I don't know how you four know about this but it's perfectly safe, now go".
We left the room and sighed
" Now what?"
" We need to get it before Snape"

" Why are four young Gryffindors such as yourselfs doing inside on a day like this?" Snapes voice said behind us
" We, we were just-"
" Be careful people will think your up to something" Snape started walking away
" We're going down the trap door tonight"
" Ms. Malfoy follow me!" Snape shouted.
I gave everyone a look and ran towards Snape.

Snape brought me into his classroom and sat me down on his desk. I sat there looking at him as he stared out the window.
" Professor?"
" Ms.Malfoy I'm sorry to have to do this but it's for your own good" Snape said turning around.
" P-professor? What are you doing?"
Snape stood in front of me and stroked my cheek
" You remind me so much of a special friend"
Professor Snape pointed his wand at me and said a spell I was not familiar with, after he said it I felt so weak and sick that I fell onto his desk. He stood over me and pointed his wand at me again this time he said a memory charm spell.

He picked me up and brought me into the hospital wing, he lied me on a bed and told the nurse he found me like this in a classroom but I don't remember what happened. Harry, Hermione and Ron came to visit me.
" Lily what happened?!" Ron shouted when he seen me.
" I-I don't know"
Harry put his hand on my cheek
" You've got a terrible fever"
" What's the last thing you remember?"

" The last thing I remember was being picked up by Professor Snape and carried to the hospital wing but before that I can remember talking to you guys"
" But Lily you were gone with Snape for ten minutes before you were brought here" Harry said " What happened in between"
" I-I don't remember "
" Are you well enough to come with us tonight?" Ron asked
" I'm sorry children but Ms.Malfoy will not be going anywhere for a few days" the nurse said.

Everyone nodded, gave me a hug and left. When it was midnight I got dressed and snuck down to the room in the third floor. A few minutes later Harry, Hermione and Ron came in.
" Lily what are you doing here?" Hermione said once she seen me.
" Do you really think I'd let a silly sickness keep me from helping my best friends" I smiled

We jumped into the trap door and made it through the Devils snare and the room of keys. We walked into a room that was a giant chess board, Ron got on a horse to be a knight, Harry was the bishop Hermione was the queen and I was the left side tower.
We played our game well, none of us had been injured until the Queen stood right in front of me. She took out her sword but instead of stabbing me with it, she smacked me over the head with it and I fell to the ground, unconscious.

I woke up in hospital the morning after with Ron in the bed next to me. " Ron!" I said as I got out of bed and took his hand.
" He's alright he woke up an hour ago" Hermione said as I looked at her.
" Hermione are you alright? What about Harry?"
" I'm fine, Harry is over there, he hasn't woken up"
I walked over to his bed and took his hand, I looked at him, he looked peaceful I hope he wakes up soon.

" You like him, I know you do" Hermione said
" I don't know how I feel, all I know is that I keep getting a feeling in my chest when I see him"
" Don't worry your secrets safe with me" she smiled
" And me Lily, don't worry Lily your secrets safe with us" Ron said
" Thank you both, your the best friends ever" I smiled as I hugged them both.

A few days later, Hermione, Ron and I were talking on the stairs when Harry walked out of the hall beneath us.
" Alright Ron?"
" Alright and you?"
" Alright, Hermione?"
" Never better"
" Lily?"
" Happiest I've ever been" I smiled.
We all sat on the train as we left Hogwarts behind us for three months.
" It feels strange to be going home, doesn't it?" Hermione said looking at us all
" I'm not going home, not really" Harry smiled
We all got off the train, I saw my mother standing at the end of the station for me and Draco. I hugged Hermione and Ron. I looked at Harry and he smiled at me, " I'll see you after summer Lily"
" Yeah, I'll miss you Harry"
" I'll miss you too Lily" Harry hugged me tightly.
I hugged him back then walked away and was on my way home. I'll miss everyone.

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