Chapter Sixteen

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I jump up at the sound of monitors going crazy. I look around confused and remember that I'm in the hospital with my mother. The nurses and doctor come in and start helping her. I was still dazed from that weird dream so I was paying attention to what was going on around me. Then a nurse came to me and waved her hand in front of my face. She said something and I came out of the trance. I looked over to my mother and I see them rolling her to the doors. "Where are they bringing her," I ask and frantically get up. "Ma'am I need you too calm down, they are taking her to surgury," the nurse said as putting a hand on my shoulder. I noticed I was shaking when she laid her hand on me. I grab my phone and see five text messages four from Clay and one from Lilac.

Clay:hey I'm almost done here
Clay:one more thing before I'm on my way
Clay:are you okay
Clay:I'm on my way

Lilac:hey are you good too come into work soon? as in th next few days?

I reply too all of them and ask the nurse a few questions. When I was done talking too her she went too do her job. I called Clay.
*ring ring ring
I can't come too the phone at the moment.

I got nervous and start twirling my hair and rocking. Then I hum a song my mom sang too me when I was nervous. Then next thing I know I was singing. I haven't sung since my father's passing.

Hush now don't you worry. I'm right here. I will always be here. So go and be happy. That will make me the happiest. Now don't worry. I will always be right here.
Baby girl even if you don't see me I will always be in your heart.

I remember my mom. So happy and protective. The woman I saw recently was not the mom I knew. This mom is all broken and lost. No matter what I'm staying by her side. And letting the song think of Clay letting it calm me. I know Clay is alright I can feel it. "I will always have you," I say aloud, "and I will always love you." Only if you were here now Clay.

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