Chapter Fifteen

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When I get to the hospital my stomach growls. I head inside and go put my things in moms hospital room and look around the rest if the hospital for the cafeteria. I think about the people that wants too kill me. They could be anywhere, I think to myself. I wander the quiet halls with my phone in hand. I got nervous because it got so quite I could hear a pin drop. I walk down the stairs and see a sign.

Cafateria 3rd floor
Lobby 1st floor
You are on the 2nd

I groan and head back up stairs and turn going the opposite way I came. I pass the x-ray room and find a nurse. "Hello sir can you help me find the cafeteria," I ask. "Why that is no problem ma'am," he answered in a friendly tone, "it's on the first floor so your gon-," I interrupt him. "Wait on the first floor, I saw a sign that pointed me in this direction," I say confused and worried. The nurse gave me a questioning look, "never mind, thank you for your help," I say and,walk to the elevator and hit the first button. When I get there I eat a sandwich and go straight back to the room. I keep on thinking, who wanted me on the third floor? I walked into the room and my phone went off.

Clay:Lizzy you okay?
Me:yep why?
Clay:....I...ummm...was just wondering
Clay:don't question my weirdness lol
Me:trust me I won't, it might rub off on me
Clay:hey that's mean!
Me:awe I'm srry I didn't know I was with a baby
Clay:wow i see
Me:see what
Clay:you misssss me
Me:....yeah so what
Clay:it cute
Me: -__- no it's not
Clay:yes it is
Me:whatever I'm sleepy
Clay:okay I will check on you before I go to bed
Me:alright night
Clay:good night Darling

I smile at the last message and lock my phone. I go sit in the chair and I get really sleepy. I cuddle up in the chair I was a little shocked too see that I fit in it curled up. I yawn and slowly close my eyes and fall asleep. I dream all that night or it felt like a dream I wasn't sure.

I was walking home from school it was getting dark so I was speed walking. "Ugh why did everyone not wake me," I said out loud. I keep on walking and I felt like I was being watched I picked up the pace and started to sweat. I saw something move out the corner of my eye I screamed because the the thing grabbed me. And start dragging me. "Let me go," I yelled at the man. I turned my head and bit the man. He dropped me and I scrambled to my feet. When I turned too run I walked into a wall or what felt like a wall. It was another man I was scared again until he pushed me to the side and went to the man that grabbed me first. "How dare you hurt a innocent woman," he yelled in the bad man's face. "Psssh what up with you," he started, "you know her." The man that I ran into cracked his knuckles and punched the man and the man groaned and tried too fight back but the man was no match against the big man. "Remember this day when you decide too do something stupid," he finished. He turned to me, I didn't notice be I was frozen. He waved his hand in front of my face, "hello Darling are you okay?"

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