Chapter Twenty~Five

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Two Weeks Later

I started too feel tired and just for curiosity I bought a test and used it. When I got the results back I started too put two and two together. The emotions, the eating, and the throwing up. I was pregnant. I was so happy and couldn't wait too tell Clay. Then the doorbell rung. I walked down the stairs and opined the door and there laid a basket full of baby things and it had a note on it. I slowly pick it and read it. 

To, Elizabeth

 Congrats little Lizzy I hope everything is too your liking. And now down too business I want you and your baby. So I have proposition come too me or Clay dies. Make the right decision. And don't tell Clay about the baby. Until then I will be watching you.

Tears started too form. Damn it why can't I be happy! I thought to myself. But I have too do the right thing. I went and packed and left a note saying. 

I can't be with you. I'm sorry Clay. I'm leaving please don't come look for me. I wish it could be different but things don't work that way. Good~bye Clay.

With that I let tears fall on the paper smudging the ink. I left the note on the table and walked out side. I started too walk but I noticed the var waiting for me. I got in with no questions. 

Clay's P.O.V      

I got home and was greeted with a note. I read it and slammed my fists on the table and cried out, " Lizzy where are you, I won't stop looking for you!" I looked around the house and walked too the bathroom. I look in the mirror and something caught my attention. I it was in the trashcan. I bent over and picked it up. I was a test and it showed positive. I started too cry more and called the police. I will not give up, I will find you and our baby. I said in my head.   

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