Chapter Nineteen

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I started by telling him about my mom then the episodes I've had since he left. I didn't get too finish when the cop s pulled up. "We will finish this later," Clay said getting up. I nod and go down stairs. No later Clay brought who we found out his name is Brandon Mae. Stupid guy had his wallet on him, I open the door and Clay dropped him on the porch. "Ma'am we are gonna need you too come in," a female officer said looking at Clay with a smirk on her face. I glare at her and grab Clay's hips hugging him to me. She snapped out of whatever she was in and cleared her throat. She glared at me and me being me I stuck my tongue at her. Clay chuckled at my remark. I pushed him away. "I'll bring her in the morning officers," Clay said ignoring me. I grunted as they nodded and walked off. I turned and started too run inside before Clay could grab me even though I did not succeed. I swore under my breath. "Now would you care too tell me what that was," he said laughing his ads off. I glared at him and crossed my arms over my chest, "no." I said as plain as day. He laughed some more, I stomped my foot and gotten my hand from his grasp. I booked it up stairs and shut the door when I did I had a episode.

I was working in class it looks like college. I was in the library working on a project it was assigned with partners but of course too my luck I got the slacker. So I was working alone. I remember this day it was the day I met Clay. I was working I had my ear buds in and I was scanning over a book. I threw my hands up in frustration, "I give up." I yelled at the book pushing it back. "But it's half of the grade I can't give up," I stated reaching for the book again. But it was snatched my a nice looking man. I look up and glare, "I need that book." He looks from the book he had and smirked, "well I need it too partner." I realized it as soon as he finished. My partner.

I blush as recalling that memory. I sigh and open the door tip toeing down stairs. I heard Clay in the kitchen so I grab a big puffy blanket all sprawl across the couch. I sit there and think to myself, then I remember my mother and start wondering. The man said they we're sorry for my loss. Could they be behind the car crash in the first time? I thought about that a good thirty minutes. Then I think about Clay, crap I need too finish that conversation from earlier. Just on queue he walked in and jumped seeing me on the couch. Then he smiled looking at my form. I look down and noticing my form I sit up and tuck my knees to my chest letting him have room. He sat down and looked at me expecting. I open my mouth too talk but he leaned in kissed me.

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