Chapter Nine

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After everything that happened this morning we go and make breakfast and talk about what we can do the next few weeks I'm off. I was the dishes and someone comes up behind me and grabs me by my shoulders so my self-defense kicked in I elbow the person and grab a knife and hold it at him. "Lizzy it's me Darling, " Clay screamed. I look abd it was Clay. "Oh my I'm sooo sorry Clay, " I say getting on the ground to him. He looks at me and I realize that I have tears in my eyes. "Lizzy babe it alright, I understand your on edge but I'm here for you," he says calming me down. I look up at him and nod he leans down and kisses my head. "I have too make a phone call," he exclaims. "Alright I'm going too take a shower," I say walk ing up stairs. I get to the bathroom and turn on the shower and let it run steaming the room up. I go and grab some clothes and I hear Clay on the phone. The door opens and he walks outside. I go back and wash my body. I get the hair wash and scrub my scalp. It feels so good I moan and giggle. I hear the door open after I step out the shower. I listen and the footsteps sound way heavier. I creep to the door and I hear the person go past me to my room. By the sound of the breathing the person is a man. He starts too digs through my stuff. I turn and get dressed then turn the light off. I slowly open the door and peek around the corner and she the man. He is way bigger than Clay. I get nervous and in my throat there I a lump of scared. I take a deep breath and slowly head down stairs to the kitchen. I grab the knife I've been threatening Clay with and head to the front door. The door is right ahead of me when I hear the man come down stairs. I know I don't have enough time to get out the house so I try too hide. I walk into the living room and try too hide behind the chair. While doing so I knocked over a picture of my twentieth birthday. "Oh crap," I said while scurrying to my feet. The man comes barreling in the living room. "There you are girly," he snarls. "Heh you found me, good for you, but know you gotta deal with me," I say cocky, "and I'm not going down without a fight." The man smirks and starts toward me. I slide the knife in my pocket. He punched me in the face breaking my nose. The pain and shock overwhelmed me and blood started too pour. He gets close enough for me too kick him in the stomach. I do so and he groans. He lunged at me I moved too slow and he grabbed my ankle. This man is too big too kick off so I stomped on his arm. "Uggh I guess you didn't forget about me," he said with a grunt. Then it hit me, he was the man that grabbed me the night my dad was murdered. The thought filled me with rage. I took the knife from my pocket and stabbed him in the hand sticking it too the floor. So know he could not move. I broke a chair and hit him in the head knocking him out. I texted Clay and called the police. Feeling weak I went and sat on the steps and waited. I heard the cop sirens and next thing I know is I'm waking up in an ambulance with Clay outside it talking to the paramedic. I groan when I breathed in. Clay turned shocked and jumped in the vehicle. "Lizzy I'm so sorry, I went too take a phone call," he started, "then you texted me and I saw the ambulance and they were loading you in it, I thought I lost you." He finished sobbing. "Clay it's alright, look I'm..." I try too say when I pass out. "Elizabeth," I hear Clay scream. "Clay your my emergency contact, I love you," was the last thing I got out.

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