Chapter 3

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(Aphmau's POV)

I sat down on the couch next Aaron and everyone was here for a Friend/Group meeting? Yeah I will call it that, anyways Kawaii~Chan made cupcakes and put them on the floor for everyone to enjoy. Most of the guys were sitting on the floor, Katelyn and Travis were sitting on the love seat.

"Aphmau~Senpai, Kawaii~Chan was wondering why did you call everyone here at our house? Did Aaron propose to you and you didn't us?!"

"AARON HASN"T PROPOSED OR ANYTHING! Kawaii~Chan! I was just going to tell all of you the exact reason why." Aaron and I were blushing candy apple red. "Now. The reason why is I was wondering if anyone had plans for the remaining time of the summer?"

There were silence for a couple of moments, I was nervous that everybody has already made plans.

"For me I do. I was planning to go with Nicole to meet her parents. Since she's going to visit them later this month." Dante spoke up and smiled.

"I'm free, there is no swim practice until towards the end of the summer." Travis looked at Katelyn. "Plus, if Katelyn is free then I'm free."

"I got nothing planned. Kawaii~Chan was going to watch anime the rest of the time."

"You know I have nothing planned Aphmau. Since you are my only friend around here."

"That's not true Zane. Kawaii~Chan is your friend."

"Whatever. Why are you asking Aphmau?" Zane smiled for a small second and turned to me.

"I was just a little curious, I thought of somethings we could probably do before the summer is over."

"That sounds like fun, do you or I mean did you come up with any ideas?" Laurence asked.

"Well, I came up with a few things. Maybe camping? Roller skating? Or going to an Amusement Park nearby?"

"I've always wanted to go camping. It seems like a lot of fun, one on one time with nature." Aaron smiled in excitement. I always knew that he always wanted to go camping.

"I kind of agree with Aaron. Camping does sound like fun. What do you think guys?" Katelyn nudged Travis.

"Yeah. Ahem, I mean. I would like to give it a try, I never thought of going camping." Travis sighed.

"Okay, everyone who would like to go say I. The people who don't want to say no." I hopped off the couch to grab a sugar cookie,

"I!" Katelyn, Kawaii~Chan, Travis, Garroth, Laurence, Aaron and I yelled in excitement. Zane of course said no because he's no fun.

"First of all get away from me girl, woman thing. Second of all, I don't like the outdoors at all and hate the sun. I prefer to stay indoors playing with my toy... I mean video games. Mature. Video. Games." Zane jumped off the couch to get away from Kawaii~Chan. Kawaii~Chan followed Zane around the living room to convince him to go.

"Zane~Kun if you go I'll give you a special edition Pinkie Cake! The one with sprinkles and chocolate toppings!"

Zane stood for a moment, thinking about Kawaii~Chan's offer, then he final agreed to go. "Ugh fine. I'll give it a shot. Geesh!"

"I guess we are all going camping, at least most of us, sorry Dante. How about in a week from now we will go so we can work out our scheduling for the jobs we currently have. Sound like a plan guys?" Everyone yelled in excitement, so was I. They all left to start preparing for the camping trip, Aaron stayed and Zane did too. He came up to me asking if he could talk to me alone. I know he isn't all on board on going camping but I think he will end up enjoying it, maybe.

"Aphmau. I really don't want to go to this thing. I probably won't survive, camping is not like in the video games."

"Then you should have told Kawaii~Chan no. But I understand on how it is hard to say no to her. For Katelyn it is easy, anyways, just try to have fun. It's a new experience for us all, you can learn with us."

"Yeah I guess, plus she even put out that pony deal. I couldn't say no to that. Well I should be going to pack for this trip I may or may not enjoy. See you later Aphmau, and make Aaron leave before 10 tonight." Zane opened the front door to leave.

"Stop telling me what to do! DAD!" I slammed the door behind after Zane left.

"Not this again..." Aaron walked away to get a glass of water and Kawaii~Chan squealed, giggling when Aaron said that.

"The ship!! The ship!! AHHHHHHHH!!!!" Kawaii~Chan was no squealing at the top of her lungs.

"SHUT UP KAWAII~CHAN!!! UGH!!!!" Katelyn yelled and Kawaii~Chan stopped and went to bed, thank god.

Aaron, Katelyn and I watch anime for an hour and Aaron had to leave to get some sleep also. I went up to my room, Celeste barking with joy when I came into the room.

A/N: Thanks for reading! Vote if you like it, and comment below what you think will happen next. Tell me your favorite moment from this chapter if you'd like! I'll see you later, in the next chapter!


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