Chapter 21

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(Zane's POV)

I drove off from the school and headed to the girls place. I got there in decent time due to traffic not being as heavy as usual and I rang the doorbell.

"Hello Zane ~Kun! And good morning! We all just finished eating breakfast we already ate. Travis~Kun made it for us all." Kawaii~Chan was smiling from ear to ear.

"That's nice. Why are you smiling weirdly like that?"

"No.. no reason. Why don't you come on in?" Kawaii~Chan blushed red and I went in. I saw that they were all watching... oh no. High School Musical. Not the singing... and the fan-girling.

"Zane! Get over here and sing with Travis, Katelyn and I! Now!" Aphmau yelled from across the house, I sadly walked over grinning. Thank goodness she can't see me grin or she'll complain on how much I am of a party pooper.

"Zane! I don't want to be torchered alone. Travis dragged me into this too." Katelyn pleaded. I sat next to Aphmau and watched with everyone else. The movie ended a half an hour later and Katelyn and I sighed in relief. They wanted to watch the next one and I said no. One movie is enough. I told everyone to be quiet so I tell them what Aaron and Laurence are planning.

"Today or this late afternoon I planned on taking everyone to ITZ before we all have to go back to our long and boring lives of work."

"That sounds like fun, I'll go if you go Katelyn." Travis turned to her and agreed to came along.

"You know I do, plus I've been dying to have pizza. And I'll beat your butt in Mario Kart Zane just like I always do." Aphmau teased and stood up.

"Yeah whatever.. I may have been practicing at home so I can prepare to beat you! Muahahahaha!" I laughed evilly.

"Alright calm down Bowser."

I stopped and cleared my throat. "Just be ready by 6:30. Now I have to tell my brother, see yall later." I left and went to let my brother know.

(Aphmau's POV)

I let Katelyn know that I was going to take a shower. I walked in underneath the warm, soothing water. This is a place I can think. Does anyone else do that? Call me weird if you would like but I always think better when water is around. I don't know it's just calming I guess. Anyways, I got out so everyone else can take one. I put on a purple t-shirt with a neko~asume cat on with a par of short jean charts. Katelyn and Kawaii~Chan came down a little while after I did. I however was watching Fairy Tail on the couch with Travis.

"Can Kawaii~Chan join you guys?" Kawaii~Chan sat next to me. "This anime is so amazing. Juvia is so funny and loves Gray."

"I figure you say that KC, you both are extremely and almost similar. Talking in third person and love cute things." Travis pointed out and I nodded in agreement.

"I guess I am Travis~Kun."

Travis got up to find Katelyn as I stayed to finish the episode. It was almost six so I told everyone to be at the door. After twenty minutes, I heard a horn from outside and it was Zane.

We all got inside his car and drove off. I was sitting in the front with Zane and the others sat in the back.

"It smells like Hot Topic cologne back here." Travis teased, Zane got annoyed and told him to be quiet.

(Laurence's POV)

Aaron and I arrive earlier to get a private party room. Garroth came with Laurence to help us both out. Aaron got a text saying that they were on their way.

"How do you think Aphmau will react?" Garroth asked us both. And to be honest I have no clue. She might be relieved and happy.

"She will most likely to hear it. That's all she wanted was for everyone to be alright with me and her dating." Aaron pointed out while bringing in the pizza.

"Oh. That's why Zane asked us both at A-Con. I used to have feelings for her in high school as you both know. I care about her still and you Aaron always protects Aphmau. I respect you for that." Garroth came to help Aaron out.

"Thanks Garroth."

"Yeah. Don't worry about us getting in the way again between you both." I smiled and Aaron gave us both a hug.

"Thanks guys." Aaron takes out his phone. "They're here."

(Zane's POV)

We all walked in and I asked everyone to wait on the side.

"Hello. I requested a room for today under the name Zane Ro'meave."

"Yes. Three guys came thru here and brought stuff in." The cashier sighed.

"Oh let me guess. One was wearing red, the other two had a blue and green colored shirt on?"

"Uh yeah... is that bad?"

"Nope. I invited them thank you." I look at his name tag. "Josh."

I walked on over to the others and told them to follow me. They did and we all came in with no sign of the guys. I wonder were they went.

A/N: Happy Halloween!!!! Tell me what you are being in the comments below!

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