Chapter 18

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(Aphmau's POV)

The taxi dropped off Katelyn and I, I didn't feel like going back to my house. Katelyn texted Kawaii~Chan to bring over our stuff including mine to their place. I sat on the couch and Katelyn offered me a drink. I told her just get me some water.

"How are you Aphmau?" Katelyn sat next to me, giving me the glass of water.

"I don't know. I have been trying to see if everyone would along and I don't know if that's possible anymore. Laurence and Aaron can't be in the same room together without insulting each other."

"You know Aphmau. If doesn't happen overnight. Yes, they both have been very childish but they need to try and act mature. I also believe Laurence can't get over being interested in you. I think maybe the guys need to talk it over."

"Yeah, can I stay here for a couple nights... I don't want to deal with drama. I have work tomorrow."

"Sure of course Aphmau take all the time you need. The upstairs guest room and or office has a couch which is a lay out bed, I'll get some sheets from my room for you to borrow." As Katelyn did, the doorbell rang so I answered when I saw Kawaii~Chan and Zane standing outside.

"Hi Aphmau~Senpai! Zane~Kun helped me bring Katelyn~Sama and your things here. He is so sweet." Kawaii~Chan looked at Zane and blushed.

"Hey Aphmau." Zane dropped my bag on the floor and gave me a hug. "Aaron is very upset over what happened and..." He stopped after noticed the small tear running down my face. I tried to keep it in and I couldn't. I started to cry a little in his arms, I was confused, upset and emotionally all over the place.

"Great. Good job Zane you made her cry. Don't mention the guys right now. She's not feeling too well as of right now. Tell them both I will want to meet up with both of them tomorrow at the park."

"I want Zane to stay here for a little if that's okay Katelyn."

"I'll bring your bags upstairs for you." Zane followed me and placed my duffle bag on the floor.

I sat on the couch against the wall was a desk and chair I closed the curtain as Zane turned the lights on. Zane sat next to me.

"Aphmau. I'll just say this... if they both care about you like I do as your best friend. Aaron and Laurence will stop soon, as a guy beef like this stops after a couple of days. If it doesn't then you will need to make a choice. Aaron or Laurence. Who do you want in your life more?"

I honestly can't make a choice, but the real answer is Aaron. "I can' honestly tell you Zane..."

"I understand... you are emotionally unstable. Can't really come to a conclusion since your mind is all over the place."

"I just don't like my friends fighting over me Zane. They both hurt each other and me..." I leaned toward Zane and hugged him tight and he did back.

"I'll stay there for as long as you need me. Ok Aphmau...?" Zane asked as I nodded my head.

(Katelyn's POV)

I went to go check on Aphmau and Zane to see if everything is alright. As I walk into the room Aphmau fell asleep on Zane's shoulder while he was also sleeping too. "Hey Zane." I whispered into his ear, tapping him on the shoulder. He woke up in panic. "Shush. She fell asleep on you."

"Oh... I did? I guess I did." Zane silently spoke, getting up as he blushed. Aphmau tossed and turned. I gave him a hand gesture to come on, and closed the door slowly.

"Thanks for calming her down a bit. She hasn't been able to sleep as much." I smiled and gave him a fight bum.

"No problem Katelyn. She's my best friend and I'll do anything to make her feel better and happy. You know that, now you keep Aphmau happy and I'll deal with Laurence and Aaron. No buts."

"Ha ha. You said..."

"Shush. Night Katelyn I'll come over later tomorrow, I have to fix this situation like my father would."

Zane walks down the stairs and out the door before I could say a word. Kawaii~Chan asked what happened. I told her nothing as she went back to her room.

I went to go check on Aphmau and she was still asleep so I went downstairs to watch TV. Then the doorbell rang, I got up to check to see who it was before opening. It was Travis.

"Hey Katelyn. Can I come in?"

"Sure." I moved behind the door then closed it after Travis came in. "So what are you doing here?"

"Just came to make sure you got here okay." Travis smirked taking his hands out if his pockets. "What were you watching?"

"Just Once Upon A Time... Want to join me?

"Sure. It's been a while since we both have watched it together." I sat on the couch and he snuggled up next to me. I got the remote and hit restart to play from the beginning so Travis could catch up.

I woke up in my bed, I look at the time and it was late early morning... still dark out. I guess Travis took me upstairs I turn to the other side of me and I see Travis lying down beside me.

A/N: Thanks for 500+ reads!!!! Go check out my channel WolffireGD for Aphmau MMV's (Minecraft Music Videos) Using Aphmau Mystreet episodes!!


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