Chapter 26

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(Aaron's POV)

I can't believe my mother, doing what she did in front of Aphmau... my girlfriend. I left the family because they were never around. I wanted to feel loved, cared for... not treated like a piece of property. I never want to be a part of the company.

"Hey Aaron?"

I hear Aphmau come in, a tear went down my face. I don't even know what to say to her. I've been a jerk to her all evening.

"You don't need to say anything. Just listen." She pauses. "Aaron. I can't imagine how you feel right now, but all your life. You've been on your own with no parents or anyone to help you. I don't know or got any clue what happened between you all. One day I'll be ready to hear. All you wanted was a normal family huh?"

I nodded my head to show I was listening, she smiled.

"I noticed. Every time we hang out with my mom or Garroth's family you tense up and close everyone off. Being that shy guy from high school. Why are you scared to say anything about your family?"

I stood silently, I want to tell her but... I just don't know.

"Fine. If you need me, I'll be at Katelyn and Kawaii~Chan's next store. I'll see you in the morning."

Aphmau walked out and closed the door.

I didn't stop her from leaving... there's no point. I'm not ready to talk about my family. But she is completely right. I try to tell her tomorrow when she comes back. Man, I am a huge mess.

(Katelyn's POV)

Travis and I were in the kitchen making a yummy night snack. Since Kawaii~Chan is out for the night with some dude. All alone. To spend free time with Travis since he was free. And no, it's not a date.

"So, my beautiful blueberry. What are we making tonight?" He smirked and smiled.

"I don't know, what did you have in mind?" I smiled back as he ran his hands across my hips, locking his fingers on my stomach. "Travis..."

"What? I'm not trying anything ok? Remember at the camp? We never got that alone time."

"I know."

"And you indirectly promised when we kissed behind the cabin. I have never been kissed like that. I will admit, other girls have kissed me but the kiss we had felt different."

"Mmhm. Yeah sure."

"What? I'm serious baby." Travis leaned in for a kiss but the doorbell rang. "Dang it!" He groaned as I went to see who it was, with him following behind me. It was Aphmau.

"Hey Katelyn... Travis? I am interrupting something... aren't I?"

"Yeah... so what's going on?" I asked.

"Um... don't worry about it. Just have fun you two." Aphmau winked at me, then walked away into the night.

I closed the door and Travis pushed me on to the wall.

"Now... were where we?"

(Aphmau's POV)

I walked over to where Zane was staying at Laurence and Garroth's house. I rang the doorbell and Zane answered.

"Hey Aphmau. What are you doing over here?" Zane asked and yawned.

"You were sleeping? Weren't you?"

"No just relaxing my eyes. Come on in."

I walked in and we went over to his room, I could hear Garroth and Laurence giggling at the TV in the living room they didn't even notice me walk in. Zane closed the door and asked again. "Alright. What's going on? You seem a little upset? Is it about Aaron?"

"Yes." I told everything that happened tonight, he was in total shock just like I was. "That is everything. He didn't even stop me from leaving. Meaning he is blaming himself for all of it..."

"You did what you could Aphmau. I would give him space. You can crash here in my room and I'll take the couch. Did you bring clothes?"

"No... I didn't..."

"Um... ok." Zane went into one of his drawers and gave me an oversized t-shirt. "Here that should cover everything down to your knees. I would give you some shorts but I haven't washed my clothes. I'll let you change and get some rest. If you need anything, just come down to the living room." Just before he walked out, standing in the doorway, blushing as he said "You look stunning in that dress and... goodnight."

"Night." I got up to change into the Star Wars t-shirt he gave me. I laid down, covered myself and fell asleep.

~The next morning~

I got up and left Zane's shirt on his bed with a note saying thank you. I walked out the door and headed over back home. I opened the door and Aaron was sitting at the table shirtless with sweatpants on. I went upstairs to change into a shirt and shorts.

I was about to leave the room but Aaron came up behind me, wrapping his hand around me, hugging me tightly. "I'm sorry. For everything... the way I was yesterday. That wasn't me the real me. I'm sorry babe."

He stared deeply into my eyes and I did into his. He kissed me and I kissed back. I'm just glad he is okay. I got my Aaron back. I put hands on his bare chest and we still kissed.

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