Chapter 17

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For the banquet I change into a shoulder less crop top with short sleeves and a pair of skinny jeans - typical Dauntless fashion. The top shows off my arrow tattoo as well as my angel wings upon my back. I had just taken the bandage off of new tattoo of the city skyline. My skin was still a little red, however I love the intricate details of this tattoo so I had to show it off tonight. Lynn, Uriah, Marlene, AJ, Rita and I all leave together to make it to the cafeteria for the initiation results.

"I heard you're with Peter," Uriah whispers to me. I look to him, noticing he doesn't look too pleased - he never was when it came to my love life. "Piper, he's bad news, you know that." Uriah was like another brother to me - an older one who always has an eye out for me.

"Yeah I do." I nod nonchalantly. "I like him, Uri. I can't help it."

He sighs heavily, shaking his head. "Remember when you 'fell in love' with that boy a year older than us? We were about fourteen then. What was his name..."

"Alex? Yeah, he was cute," I shrug. "What has that got to do with anything?"

"He broke your heart within two months. You 'liked him' and look what he did to you - threw you away for some whore." Uriah brutally reminded me. I frowned, playing with my hands. "And then that other boy, Tate? All he did was use you to get to Marlene. Then there was Rick, Gabe -"

"Look, the past ain't gonna help me now, is it?" I snap. "Just because he's an ass at times doesn't mean that he's always an ass - especially not to me. I appreciate you caring for me and all, but I know Peter has good intentions."

"I was always the one that you cried to, Piper, I don't want to see you end up crying again over some smart-mouth you met during initiation." I didn't say anything after that. I had no words to defend Peter.

We reached the cafeteria and take a seat upon one of the tables. Marlene, Lynn and I instantly discuss jobs. "I think I'd like to work in the tattoo parlours." Lynn said thoughtfully. "Or a piercer. I don't know... I just don't want to end up a toilet scrubber."

"Or a guard, can you imagine staring out to whatever lies beyond the city for hours protecting the city from whatever 'threats' could enter?" Marlene rolled her eyes. "I'd feel sorry for the initiates ending up doing that."

"We're no longer initiates now," I say with a small smile curving my lips, "we're Dauntless." Lynn and Marlene both smiled with me. The thought of being able to live my life in Dauntless freely sent a warm feeling fill me up. I've come this far and I was to prove my dad that I was Dauntless, that nothing that had happened in the past affected me. I had been granted liberty. I had a feeling I'd make it, even if I got tenth place. Eric then began his speech, but I payed no intention to listen. I waited impatiently for the ranks to flash up upon the board.

After many long, dragging minutes the ranks come up:

1) Tris
2) Piper
7) Will
8) Christina
9) AJ
10) Rita

Second. Second. I blinked a few times, trying to adjust the fact I was second place. I didn't believe I would get this high up on the leader board! My eyes flickered to Tris' name holding the first space on the leader board. I grinned at the sight of it, feeling proud. Peter was sixth, but he still made it in. And there was AJ, standing at ninth. "The damn transfers beat me, P! Even your ass of a boyfriend!" He yelled over the cacophony of Dauntless cheers. I laughed, standing up with the rest of the Dauntless-borns. We all made it in.

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