Chapter 45

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We don't talk after that. The pair of us sit in silence, occasionally looking at each other. There isn't really much I want to say - I might end up putting the wrong idea into his head about the current relationship between us. I know what he wants, but I don't know what I want. It's been long enough, Piper, I can imagine him saying. He could always have someone else. He's got the looks, a great personality when wanting to be polite and he is a softie under the evil coating he covers himself in.

Eventually I stand up and look out of the train car, squinting my eyes at the dimly lit fence - which is close by. "Peter," I call him. "Let's jump." I hear him come up behind me and feel his body press against mine slightly as he looks out the car. It sends unwanted shivers through my body.

"Wait a bit..." he says quietly. Th train slows, a signal for us to jump. We wait until the people in the car in front leap out. Peter and I jump in synch and land on our feet. I run ahead of Peter to meet the people - Christina and Uriah.

"Where's smart-mouth?" Uriah asks.

"Behind me," I jerk my thumb towards Peter.

"Tris!" Christina calls out to the girl, approaching us from behind. Uriah uses his flashlight to illuminate Tris.

"Did your brother make it?" He questions.

"Yeah," Tris looks towards Four dragging Caleb towards us by the arm.

"Not sure why an Erudite like you can't get it through your head," Four grunts at Caleb, "but you aren't going to be able to outrun me."

"He's right." I agree. "Four's fast. Not as fast as me, but definitely faster than a Nose like you."

Christina laughs at me. "A what?"

"Nose," Uriah taps the side of his nose. "It's a play on words. 'Knows' with a 'K', knowledge, Erudite... get it? It's like Stiff."

"The Dauntless have the weirdest slang," Christina shakes her head. "Pansycake, Nose... is there a term for the Candor?"

"Jerk." Uriah smirks. Christina shoves Uriah hard enough to make him drop the flashlight. We all laugh, and are lead by Four towards the rest of the group. Tori stands ahead, waving her flashlight in the air. "All right, Johanna and the trucks will be about a ten minute walk from here, so let's get going. And if I hear a word from any of you, I will beat you senseless. We're not out yet."

The pack of us tightens together and we walk towards the fence, Tori ahead. I can't believe we're so close. To think we're so many meters away from what lies outside; only ten minutes till we finally leave. I glance down at my city skyline tattoo, grazing over it with my finger. I then find my heart tattoo on my right wrist and stares at that, keeping Lynn and Marlene in mind. I'd swap this opportunity to have them back with me, but then if they were still alive, none of this would have happened. I wouldn't get to discover more of what my Divergence is. I wouldn't be able to heal myself without the need of others. I wouldn't have learnt how to be alone and deal with it. Their deaths weren't good at all, but they have helped me in a way. They helped me without physically being here. Hopefully, they'll stop me from holding on and let go.

I'm so deep in my thoughts I barely notice the gunshots go off, and Peter pulling my hand, forcing me to sprint. "Run, run, run, run, run." He whispers to me. "The factionless."

"Where are the others?" I whisper-scream. Bang bang bang. More bullets are fired. Peter pulls me slightly and we run with our heads down.

"We all split up. We'll find them," Peter tells me hastily. Last time we split up Peter gave us away to the Erudite. That day in Amity flashes back in my mind quickly. I look to Peter as we continue to run. Don't you leave me now. Just to feel that sense of security, I hold his hand tightly. I feel him hold my hand back with the same force, and I can feel that he isn't going to jet off without me again.

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