Chapter 54

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I just realised it's been three years since the book Allegiant had been released! This series actually killed me, but I adore it. Happy 3 Years Allegiant!❤️

Piper's POV:

A light.

A bright, pale light is what greets me as my eyes slowly flutter open. As my vision comes into focus, everything around me starts tuning in. I can feel something protruding from my arm. My nose also has some sort of tube inside it, and the same tube wraps around my lower face. My chest aches. A hand is clutching mine. There is a shrill, steady beep of a heart monitor. And a person calling my name.


I know that voice. I know right away that voice belongs to Peter Hayes. "P-Peter?" I croak. He lets go of my hand and I can sense him fiddling around.

"Hold on, give me a second," he tells me.

"What's going on? What's happening?" I can hear him sigh heavily, and panic rises inside of me. "Peter, tell me what's happening! Why am I here?" Then, I feel the surface I'm on lift up. The aching sensation turns into a thudding pain as the top half of me is lifted into a reclining position as my bed moves. I close my eyes and hiss in pain. Once it stops, the pain lessens, and I'm left with the same ache. "You could have been a little more careful, asshole."

"I didn't know this fucking bed moved that fast!" He retorts. I open my eyes and look at Peter. His eyes meet mine and I can see his annoyed expression fade. "Hi," he smiles.

"Hey," I grin back at him. "What happened?" His face drops, and I can sense secrecy. "Peter, if you're keeping something from me a secret, I will leap up and break your face."

"You still haven't changed," I hear him mutter under his breath.


"Alright, alright!" He puts his hands up in surrender and sits beside me on my bed. "Three days ago, there was an explosion in the Bureau -"

"What? Who did it?" I cut Peter off.

"A girl called Nita and a group of GD's from here and the Fringe," Peter tells me. "They wanted to steal the memory serum from the Bureau to stop them from using it. But that was a lie. What they really wanted was the death serum to kill people here, in the Bureau - probably the GP's." Nita? I knew there was something off about her. Ever since she asked me if Four was single and started going on about Matthew and me. Peter continues: "You and Uriah were caught up in an explosion beside the security checkpoint -"

"Uriah? Is he okay?"

Peter doesn't listen to me. "You've broken three ribs. One of them puncture your lung allowing air and blood to fill it -"

"Where's Uriah?"

"You also sustained minor head injuries that risked the chance of you waking up -"

"Where is Uriah!" I shout. Peter gulps, and I can tell this isn't good. "Peter," I whisper shakily. "Please tell me he's okay." Please, I can't loose him. He's my only close friend left.

"He was also in the explosion with you," Peter tells me slowly. "He's in the room next door. He's sustained severe head injuries and is on life support. His head injuries are so severe... Piper, he might not wake up." Something inside me snaps.

Uriah. The boy I've known since birth. Uriah. The boy that was with me since day one. Uriah. The one that was always there for me when I was upset. Uriah. The person I always went to after my mother died. Uriah. The boy that's stuck with me for so long... dying. He's my only close friend left. He can't die. It should be me. Me. He doesn't deserve this! He's too sweet, caring, annoying, funny, kind... he's literally like my brother. I can't get it around my head. It hurts me more than my broken ribs. I shake my head, digging my fingernails into my palms as the pain in my heart gets worse.

"Nita did this?" I say breathlessly. "She did this?" I can feel a dangerous spark ignite within me.

Peter nods. "Her, some other GD's... and Four." The fire inside me roars and explodes. Four. Four. How could he side with her? How could betray us all here, and in the city. He was my friend. He was Uriah's friend. From looking out for us to getting us caught up in his murder mission. He promised Zeke he'd look after Uriah. Look at what happened! Zeke's going to kill him. I hope he does if I don't do it here. Four nearly killed Uriah. I have to find Uriah - and Four. I lift myself up in my fit of fury and feel an excruciating pain in my chest drag me back down. I scream and flop upon the mattress, clutching my chest. Peter jumps up and calls for a doctor. One comes in accompanied by a nurse and they fiddle around with the metal stand holding my saline bag which is connected to me by an IV.

"Give her 5mg of morphine," the doctor tells the nurse. She obliges and readies a needle by my arm. Before I can acknowledge it, she injects me swiftly and presses the plunger, gentling pulling the needle out. The pain doesn't feel as bad anymore. "Glad to see you're awake, Miss Jones," the doctor smiles. "What happened just now?"

"She tried to get up," Peter says.

"I want to see Uriah!" I demand weakly.

The doctor looks between the nurse and me, thinking. "Okay," he says. "Later this evening. First you need to eat and I need to take some observations."


Peter stays with me. He's there to force me to eat and make me drink at least ten glasses of water. He's there when I'm being taken off of the IV, however I'm still breathing through a cannula. He also helps me into wheelchair and fixes the oxygen tank to it, wheeling me next door to see Uriah. He stops before the door and puts a hand on my shoulder. "Do you want me to stay with you?" I thought he really despised me. I guess he's only with me because I'm weak, but Peter isn't like that towards me.

"Yeah," I say. Peter opens the door and pushes me in. Christina is sitting on Uriah's right, holding his hand. When her eyes meet mine I see her face lighten up.

"Oh my God, Piper!" She grins, standing up and walking over to me. She hugs me softly, aware of my ribs. "I'm so glad your okay." I smile at her. However, I can't keep my eyes off of Uriah. He's lying flat upon his bed, tubes coming out of him everywhere. A ventilator is strapped to his face where he should be smiling and talking us. Christina notices this and wheels me next to Uriah. I grab Uriah's cold hand and squeeze it.

"Hey Uri, it's me, Piper," I smile weakly. "I'm okay." I expect him to jump up and pull me into a hug, not caring I've broken three ribs. He doesn't. As far as the doctors are concerned, he never will. I remember our last moment together and shake my head, numbness taking over me. I put my other hand around Uriah's and squeeze it so hard that I could break it. There must be some way to wake him up. They could do surgery. I don't think he'll mind having his head cut open. He'll end up making a bunch of jokes about it that will never get old.

"Wake up," I whisper. "Please, Uriah, wake up!"

Peter kneels beside me, placing his hand on my arm. "Piper, there isn't anything we can do."

"He can't die," I say. "He can't die now."

"I know, the doctors are trying their hardest to keep him alive. The life support is the only thing keeping him going."

"What are we gonna tell Zeke and Hana?" I shake my head. "They - he - I -" I can't talk anymore. I take my hands away from Uriah and put them to my face. This can't be happening. This isn't real. I want this to be some sort of simulation back in initiation where everything wasn't shit and Peter and I were together. Peter pulls me into a hug. I wrap my arms around tightly while his arms are carefully placed around my waist.

"I'm here Piper, I'll always be here, okay?" He utters.

"Promise me," I say into his shoulder.

"I promise I'll always be here."

I know he isn't going to break this promise.

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