Chapter 50

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There are going to be more Jayes (Piper and Peter's ship name: Jones + Hayes) moments really soon! ❤️❤️❤️

All I've been getting from Peter last afternoon is dirty looks. I don't understand his 'jealousy' - I've knows Matthew for a few days. How am I meant to get a relationship out of a few days of talking? To be honest, Matt knows more about me than I know about him. However, maybe I'm overreacting and Peter isn't jealous. Maybe he really doesn't like me anymore. I should get the image of him wanting me desperately out of my mind.

Uriah and I go to the cafeteria together, eating a whole tray of muffins and toast together. "Mmmm," I say as I bite into my third muffin. "Just like the old times."

"What, like when me, you, Marlene, Lynn and AJ had that competition where we tried to see who could eat the most muffins?" Uriah chuckles.

"How the hell did Mar eat that many?" I laugh. "Thirty is a lot - we were fifteen weren't we?" Uriah nods.

"And then afterwards she vomited all over Lynn." The both of us burst out laughing. I don't remember the last time I ever laughed so hard that I could feel a stitch forming. Thinking about before doesn't make me feel so bad anymore. I'm slowly accepting it, and I'm so glad I'm doing it with Uriah. He stops laughing and takes a large sip of his coffee, putting his head on his hand. "It feels good, you know? Just being here, with you, laughing about the old times, no?"

I nod vigorously. "I want AJ here, though."

"I've seen him when I went to watch the security cameras in the control room. He's with Zeke and Johanna most of the time. He's okay." Uriah tells me. "And Adam's getting weaker. Just letting you know."

"He's dying, soon," I sigh. I don't know how to feel about that. I can't be happy he's dying. That's too cruel. But I'm not sad either. He's dying. He knows he deserves it. What else am I meant to do?

"You can live with me, Zeke and my mum when we're out of here," Uriah suggests. "And AJ too."

"Thanks, Uri." I smile. Caleb and Peter sit a few tables away from us, the pair glancing at us. What is it with him?

"Haven't you made up yet?" Uriah furrows his brow. "Remember what I told you? Come on, tell him, before it's too late."

"What do you mean 'too late'?" I say.

"I've seen you and that science guy -"

"Matthew? We're friends! Who's been going around and telling people that we're in love?"

"No one!" Uriah surrenders. "But seriously, I know you still like him. Apologise or something. Tell Peter how you feel."

"I think it's too late, anyways," I sigh. "He won't talk to me. He came to one night and asked what we were. I said I didn't know and he was pissed off -"

"You're messing things up," Uriah says harshly.

"Uri!" I exclaim.

"No, I didn't mean it like that," Uriah shakes his head, pushing our half full tray aside. "Look, you need to tell him, but when the time is right. I'll keep annoying you about this till the day I die, Piper."

"I hate you." I roll my eyes and stand up, pulling my red cardigan tightly over my white top. "Let's go, I wanna watch the control room screens - but first let's get Christina." Uriah stands up and we walk out of the cafeteria. Christina isn't far from the control room - she lingers where Four stands, by the large stone slab and apparatus. "Hey," I wave at the two. Christina smiles and Four doesn't do anything except nod at me and let his eyes glance from an unknown point to Uriah.

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