Chapter 22

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My eyes open to see Peter sound asleep next to me. I remember the events of last night and smile to myself, rolling over to face the wall. An arms wraps around me, sending sparks through me. "You're awake?" Peter asks, moving closer to me.

"Yup," I sigh. "We better get up, we've got work today." I free myself from Peter's grasp only to be pulled back. "Peter, please let me go."

"Just five more minutes Piper," he muttered, holding me tighter. "I stayed awake for you last night and then we ended up having sex."

"Yeah, well, if you want to do more of what we did last night we need a place to stay so I better get to work before they kick us out." I wiggle out of Peter's grasp and stand up, grabbing my shorts and pulling them on.

"You're gorgeous," Peter says as I begin to roll my top on over my bra. I blush, walking forward and giving Peter a long, passionate kiss.

"I'll see you in a bit."


An hour later I'm sent to work at the orchards, picking apples. I tie my hair up in a messy bun and brush back the strands that manage to fall out. I'm wearing a pair of red shorts and a orange tank top tucked in, my Dauntless boots still upon my feet. I'm also wearing my black Dauntless bomber jacket with the knife in one of the inside pockets, the salve in my left and pain killer in my right. "So," I say to the Amity girl, named Willow, I was assigned to, "I climb these trees, pick the ripe ones and throw them in the basket?"

"Yes, exactly." She smiles. "You Dauntless are all for heights." I nod and begin to climb the tree with Willow, sitting upon one of the branches around the middle of the tree. Willow sat beside me, grabbing the many apples around us.

"So," I say, throwing the apple perfectly into the basket, "have you just finished initiation?"

"Amity initiation finished a while ago, we don't do much." Willow told me. "When did you finish yours?"

"Two days ago, before..." I trail off, remembering we weren't allowed to discuss the attack. "Only the top ten initiates are allowed into Dauntless, the rest are factionless."

"That must have been tough on you guys, especially the transfers." Willow raised her dark eyebrows, throwing down an apple. "Were you born in Dauntless?"

"Yeah, so initiation wasn't that hard on me - well the physical part." I shrug. "Guessing by your name you were born in Amity."

Willow nodded, beaming. "I was thinking about leaving for Dauntless or Erudite but now I'm glad I didn't. I'm sure it would have been nice, but life in Amity is great."

"I'm grateful you all let me and my friends stay," I tell Willow, "but there's no doubt that my friend Tris and boyfriend Peter will end up in a fight." Willow and I then climbed higher up the tree, resting upon the thick branches up high as we continue apple picking.

"Johanna's understanding, hopefully she'll let you stay." Willow assured me. We then scaled back down the tree, hauling up the basket to take to the kitchens. Once we arrived at the kitchens, one of the Amity tells me to head to Johanna's room. I sigh, waving goodbye to Willow and following the Amity man to Johanna's room. Inside are Tris and Peter (no surprise there) as well as Four and Caleb.

"How come I'm here? What's happened?" I asked Johanna, walking up to her. She smiled kindly at me and nodded to Tris and Peter.

"These two were seen fighting outside Tris' room." Johanna explained. "I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you all to leave as your presence as Dauntless in our compound is disturbing the peace." I turn to glare at Peter and Tris, but mainly Peter.

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