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Ankita POV

          Tomorrow is a big day. People are surrounded everywhere. Every corner people laughing and chatting with their group fellows. Here I am pacing around and I don't know what to do with my sister.

           Here, I forget to mention who I am ? crazy me? Yeah, I am Ankita , 23 year old working as financial advisor in a private company. I have one sister who going to marry tomorrow, her name is avantika.My father Thru.Sivam (Thru Means Mr) and My lovable mom Thrumati.(Mrs).Amutha.

             Today its 7 in the evening and everyone ready for the rituals. (See in India there is some rituals before marriage. Its differ from state to state). In here there is ritual , The two family share their greetings and exchange some vows.

              After that all are finished everyone get ready for the welcome the night. I finished my all task which is given to me. when I reached brides room, my sister sobbing in near window.

           "Avani( avantika's nick name by Ankita) ,are you all right, why are you crying. I know tomorrow your big day. Arunesh mama(brother-in-law) is very lucky guy.You are going to be a Avantika Arunesh .I am going to miss you avani"

    "Me too" said sobbing avani hugs her sister.

    "Never forget me .right" said ankita.

" Never . I am sorry" said avani.

"why are you sorry"

"Nothing. forget it, go sleep" said avani and laid on bed.

Next morning,

" wake upppppp......" screamed voices wake up my slumber.

"Ahhhhhh. Dame " I screamed and then realized the scremers are none other than my besties who are vinothini and kamali.

" Hey kiki, wake up and get ready for the wedding."

"Girls don't you thing its only 2 in the morning , why so early" I said in my sleepy voice.

"Kiki, You know First we should get ready and wake you sister, she needs help" I cut them off " Her friends will help her" said and I go back to sleep.

" Ahh" I hear the laughing sound. My friends pushed me from the bed.

"OK OK I am up " Then I get ready for my sister marriage.

After All arguments we ready by 4 in the morning. Yep! You are correct. We ready without make up.

"Girls, I am going to my sisters " said me and head to my sisters.

" I hear argument going on, I don't know its my father voice and some other I don't know"

" What's going on" I said enter in to my sisters room, I can see the tension surrounded in there.

"Kiki, we want to ask you something, come " said my parents and dragged me to near room and locked the door.

"papa(dad) what's going on, what's is commotion going on there and where is avani" I asked my parents with confusion.

They look like ready to faint. There both eyes are red ,like they were crying.

"papa, amma(mom) , are you two were crying. Why?"

" kiki, we are sorry to say this but your sister dishonored us " said

venom his voice. "what you mean papa" I cut by my amma's voice.

" honey your sister eloped"

"what " I said , I cant believe what I am hearing . but how 'so many thoughts running in my mind.

"But , papa, amma she said she loves Arunesh mama ,they look like both in so much love but how and with whom she ...... ? " said I am very socked and confused too.

" kiki, uncle Kumar , wants to talk with you" said dad then leaves the room. Miniunts later Kumar uncle enter the room.

" I am really sorry uncle" I said and cant hold my tears.

"ankita beta(daughter), why are you sorry. I am the one say sorry. I want to ask you favour. Will you do a favour for me" said uncle shaken voice.

I never seen my parents so much and hurt and also Kumar uncle family to , uncle is always bubbly person. Always makes laugh whoever with him.

" Ankita. This marriage is hold so much reputation and dignity. You know If this marriage can't happen, we can't face anyone" said uncle

" But, Uncle what I am doing with this" said more confusion in my voice.

"Ankita, I want you to marry my son. Please, give me a favor" said uncle with hope in his voice.


AN: Hello fellow friends,

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