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Ankita POV

              Its been month , the constant throw up never stops. Suddenlty realization hit her like boom. My menses .ohh god I am late how could I forget such a important thing. Ohhh no. who I am going to ask , and how.

             Its just a clue her BFF vino and kamali make a video convo. after there so far she ask them while blushing

" guys, can you anyone buy me a pregnancy test for me "

            The both girls are screaming like a idiot and argue about who going to be a god mother. After some time they buy four pregnancy kids for her.

" I know that this is coming. You always have mood swings and weird carvings" vino rambling like idiot finally Shut by kamali.

Half hour later Ankita holding a test in her hands. And crying like a baby.

Suddenly she rambling like" if he does not like the baby. If he reject us.if...."

" Shut up " two voice cut her rambilings.

" you have told him, you will be ok. Trust us. Take care" said both and leaves after dinner.

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