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Ankita POV

           The incident with shayan happen a week ago. I feel something off with Arun. Now-a-days Arun take the food I prepared with out any word. And eat the dinner I prepared . Of course he eats it in his room. but he stops his drinking habit.

          Now I have a hope. He will change soon. In a every night I having a nightmare about shayan. Shayan try to kill Arun who save me and get killed by shayan.I wake with same dream everyday. First day that incident I had a nightmare. That is my nightmare begins.


When arun finish his dinner, he came and put a plat in a sink and watching TV. I finished my all work in kitchen and went for bed.

In dream***

" shayan, leave my wife" said Arun angrily. I never seen Arun this much furious  before. Why, is that because of me. My thoughts revive by shayan sadistic voice.

" she is mine. Mine only " said shayan holding a gun in my head. And he continues " If I cant have her no one can" said shayan and pull the trigger.

A loud thump eco in the empty warehouse . then I open my eyes Arun laying in the full of blood and shayan also have a bullet in his head.

I don't know how shayan shoot but I focus only Arun.I put his head in my lap and sobbing " Arun wake up. Please don't leave .please " I repeated again and again.

Someone tap my shoulder and suddenly paramedical do their first Aid with Arun.Then they say " we sorry for you loss"

" Noooooooooo... Arunnnnnnnn...." I screamed and someone holding me tightly and calming with smoothing words.


Then I realize these are dream and the someone is none other than Arun. We don't say any word. Its look like our silent knows better than our words.

I back to dreamless sleep because arun's presence in the first time after two months.

Everyday night I constantly having the same nightmare. I don't know if this some sort of vision for future. Helps to prevent from happening but when I screamed Arun always holds me and after I slept he leaves. But both are don't say any work like we used to be.

It's a weekend, uncle kumar, asked us to have a family weekend. We both agree without fight in a first time.

In their home, I help aunty with cooking in the evening. Everything finished. We set a food on table. Everyone sit in the dining table. One on Arun's cousin were come from abroad.

" So , ankita. Hows your marriage life. I hope arunesh does not scare you when he dislike his food.if he does not like his food he kind of bit scary" Said with smile in his face.

" Ohh I know.Its not happen(cause he never ate my food) He always eat my all foods. He likes my food but he always told me he loves his moms food and miss her food" when I told him Arun look shocked by my answer and aunty have proud smile in here easy and really have a natural smile.

After the conversation here and there . but everyone believes what I says and thank fully arun does not against my answers.

In return home, when I ready to hop off. Arun voice surprised me. " Thanks you for bring smile in my parents faces " said and left me speechless.

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