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Arunesh POV

              The third week , we all are already execute the plan set the cameras for every corner of the house and also near having the police. Me and Jas create a fake divorce paper and signed it they buying that divorced paper.

              That night when avani try to get me drunk. I pretend to drunk and acted like they expected. After while she called someone.

              I never expect the person , how dare he. Why the hell he doing all of this. I hide my emotions back.

" baby, where is Nathan " asks avani .

" babe, he is mom's and here make him sign " said the guy.

" Honey Arunesh. Just sign it baby. Please for me" she purrs like a cat not a woman.

I just disgust myself for once I loved this bi\\\h. then I done what they ask. After receiving , guy holds a gun in my head.

'hmmm. I guessed. ' I thought then press the button for the police entry signal.

" well. well. you are really stupid. You lost your wife and so to be baby and you company. Because of you ex. How touching" said Kishore with venom in his voice.

(AN:  kishore is none other than, Arunesh 's cousin brother who is wants to money and try have Arunesh's papa's property. He is having a twin, nivin. The one who loves avanika and father of nathen. But he went coma in a car acciend. So he uses as and play as brother. He went jail for the attempt to kill the Arunesh father. So kishore wants revenge and money. So he chooses his victim as Avanika)

" Nivin. Why are you holding a gun. You got your property right we can go now"

" well. well . so You are nivin.hahaha" said Arunesh with stable . make Kishore and avani both get shocked.

" Kishore. Who the hell is kishore. He is Nivin" said confused avani.

" ohh.. nahhhh. You husband is Nivin and his twin is kishore. The one who used you" said Arunesh.

" you are Nivin right. Why he telling me like this" asking avani while sobbing.

" shut up ok. I am not Nivin. Your husband and my twin in hospital and I am going to kill this son of b\\\\\h. "said and pulled the trigger .

A loud thud sounds and screams make everything look like a slow motion.

" Arun..... " said sobbing Ankita running towards his husband who hugged her said some soothing words and try to clamed her.

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