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Ankita POV

" shes is none other than Arun's ex-fiancée . A run away bride , My one and only sister".

I could not expect this, my sister. Why don't he told me about this. Why he is hiding about this.

" so , bhai. You are saying he is in love with his ex "

"I am going to find out soon " said karan.

" so tell me why are you glowing " ask karan with tease.

" you are going to be godfather"

" what..... huhhhh" said karan in high pinch voice.

After tell the news its spreads like wind fire. Everybody knows about my pregnancy expect my husband. Who never try to call back from that weeks exactly two weeks.

Now I am four months along. But you cant say I am pregnant because my bumb is small. Today I am carving for ice-cream. So me and my BFF's will meet at our favorite ice parlor.

In the evering, I word a loose top and leggings and dupta and enter the parlor before my friends come. Its early so I will ate one of my favorite ice-cream and ordering a ice-cream.

Suddenly I here a little boys giggle and along with familiar voice scolding. When I turned. I regret being turned.

There is man hold a year old boy in his arms and beside a lady ordering a ice-cream for all of them.

When move further. The baby run in to other side . I try to control my tears and also want to fade immediately. so begin to walk.

The who suppose to be my side, who suppose to hold my hand is hold his ex hand and playing with baby. What a life?

The small thing crushed under my leg. Then the thing is none other than my sisters son. May I say my husbands son.I don't know whether I should scoop him or shoo him. suddenly a voice revive my thought.

" Sorry mam, my son just skept by marbles floor." Said my husband and scooping him in his chest.

" whats his name, if you don't mind" I asked in polite way.

" his name is Nathan... Miss " then he just look up who are standing infront of him. he just frozen in his place.

When I tried talk to a high pinch bit..h voice cut the awkward tension.

" honey, whom you talking too" said my sister who eloped.

When saw me ,hug me like cant breath. And have a fake tear with " Kiki how are you" she said with sobbing.

" who are you" I asked her with venom in my voice.

" Jas....." I cut Arun of " So Mr.Arunesh does your family know about this" I asked him. He just open his mouth and close again.

" Kiki, why are you so cold towards him. He is your sister husband-to-be "said avani.

" ohhhh. Congrats Mr.Arunesh . So does your wife know about this and look don't kiki me" I asked him again. He don't say anything.

" what you mean wife. He will divorce her. Who ever will be " said the avani.

" Ohhh. Its guys. I will tell her and the divorce paper will reach soon" I said and turned and leave the parlor.

In the car, I cant control my anger, betrayal and pain. How could he do this to me.

I called karan bhai and asked a divorcé papers.

The next day ,after so many arguments between me and karan bhai. He told me, he will find the truth soon.

MARRIED MY SISTER'S FIANCE(#Your story India)Where stories live. Discover now