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             Its been a 2 week all the incident happen. Arunesh never gave single chance to me. The next day we come back his apartment, where he and his wife will live after they married. I mean my sister and my husband. In a door, A board having His name and my sister name on it. Its brings the awful memories back.

                In these two weeks my husband ignores like pledge . When I enter his room. There is some pictures of him and avani. I really felt hurt and pity for him. He doesn't know about the letter she wrote before run away. If he knows he will break down more than us. If I in his room he went outside immediately so I stayed with aunty's room which is going to be my new room. His mother trying to talk him about this but always ended up by fight. When she saw me they always give me a smile and told me everything going to be alright. I told them to be stressed.

Tomorrow they all going back their house. leave Arunesh and myself alone. In the morning everyone back to home and said goodbye to us. I felt like lone wolf. I have a week day leave for marriage. My piers does not know my sudden marriage only my college mates known.

The days goes, night comes. I don't know where my husband is. I don't know whether I should call or not. After some inner battle I try to call him. When phone rings, its names karan( who is my cousin brother and also Arunesh Best buddy).

"Karan bhai(brother) how are you" I asked him with simle.I always like karan bhai because he is my protective brother I never had.

" I am good. I know you are not fine so I am not asking that award question. I want to tell you something" he speaks such hesitation in his voice.

" Bhai tell me. Is Arun ok . what happen " I told him.

"kiki. Your husband is passed out in hotel. He can't come to home" said some hesitation in my voice.

"what. But how he never drink before. Why . because of me right" said hold my tears . I know all because of me.If I don't agree this marriage ,he will be stressed little.

" No kiki, It not because of you. Its becaseu that stupid cunning "

I cut him of " no bro. don't curse .OK " I try to lighten the mood.

" Bhai. Can you bring him home or can I pick him"

" Don't worry me, vijay or shayan will bring him"

"Okay" said and hung my phone.

Later around 10 in the night. Vijay and karan bhai put him in his bed. before they leave I ask them about shayan.(AN: shayan is vijay bhai's cousin two year older than me)

" you know after your marriage shayan. Distanced himself you know" I cut there awkward . Shayan always like me. He asked my father hand in marriage. My father gave him assure that they will discuss after my sister marriage.

I don't know why shayan gave interest in me. I really don't know about this until my marriage. After the marriage, shayan yell my father and got a fight. But Arunesh does not know about it. Before he leaves he says that really make me fear more.

MARRIED MY SISTER'S FIANCE(#Your story India)Where stories live. Discover now