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Arunesh POV

Arunesh hear a familiar voice then he stop move further. Its been week he saw her. Karan asked a question that makes him confused. Did she having Avani's son. but Jas didn't do that.

" hey kiki, how's my godson/ daughter . " said happiness in his voice.

" ohhh. He/she is fine and healthy and mother too" said bubbly voice. Its look like Jas voice. But who's the baby they are talking about.

" So when is the due" karan asked his kiki.

" is 5 more months " then they talked about the thinks he does not know. He mind drifting the convo baby. Who is the baby there are talking about.

Suddenly, realization its him. Jas been sick lately and she always try to say that. My stupid ignore it and hurting her. When a yell revive from my train thoughts.

" Bro, I am sorry. I stupid. I believed that cunning bit//h says but ignores you and my Jas.and I hurted her so badly. Please forgive me" I said and babbling like an idiot.

" shut up. Its ok now you cleared right. So how will you found that she is lying" he asks and I told him everything happen in the morning.

" I want to see Jas" and we both enter my father-in-laws house. Karan left me in front of her door and left me there.

I knocked and a door open minute later a voice spoke with so much anger." What hell are you doing here" .

" hush.. "I said dragged her and lock the room. She just shouting me repeatedly. I just want to shut her so I kissed her to make her shut.

" Jas I am sorry. Please forgive me. I Just want to be with my son so I thought you will understand so left you. but I regret the day I shouted at you. will you forgive me. " I said tears in eyes. Which is about to fall , I don't care about to broke down because she is my better half. Then told her about her sisters plan.

" hush. Arun don't ..I can't see you cry or hurt. Stop" said and soothing me while she crying.

" So Jas , can I Touch you tummy" I asked her with hope in my eyes. She will forgive me right.

" yeah"

When I touched , its looks something hit my hand." Ouch" said Jas with confusion and pain in her eyes.

" Jas , sweety. Did I hurt you. I am really sorry. I don't" I rambling like always. She cuts me, " No , stupid . she just kicked " " what. She how you know "I ask and she says " mother instincts ".

Jas ,Karan and I , plot a plan and ready to activate. But in mean while I try to find who the hell the guy . avani 's husband. Thank god she does not get any suspicious.

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