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Ankita POV


I don't know why shayan gave interest in me. I really don't know about this until my marriage. After the marriage, shayan yell my father and got a fight. But Arunesh does not know about it. Before he leaves he says that really make me shiver again.


There is no in the room , marriage will be in 30 mins. I have ready for my wedding saree( Indian girls traditional cloth) when I go for lock a hand push the door and lock the door.

"Shayan what are you doing here? " I asked with confusion in my voice. " I told you so many times don't call me bhai"

"but" I cut by his angry voice.

" I want you run away with me now" he said in rush . " what are saying " "I love you okay. I cant live without you, I asked your father hand in marriage. He agreed then now he changes his decision. I want to be with you. you are mine. I cant accept your marriage. Come with me. He says"


" How dare you. Huhh. I always thought you as a brother you told me , you loved me huh. I respect my dad wish so get out before I scream" I said so much anger in my voice.

" You are mine. Whether you will like it or not. You know I will have you soon. If I make you mine that cause kill any one I don't hesitate" said shayan and before he left a punch get my attention. Shayan punched by karan and vijay bhai.

" how dare huh. I thought you as a brother but how could you betrayed us shayan. " three were get more fight. Vijay and karan boy beat him to death.


The next morning I make some breakfast and lunch for both of us. I make a tea, put tea and advil his bed table. I know he doesn't like my offers. But as a wife that's my responsibility.

In nine in the morning , Arun( AN:short for arunesh she used to call him after their sister's engagement. He like to call her by that name) come outside and head to office.

"Arun..." she calls him with hesitation.

" He froze in his position. He don't reply any thing just stand like statue."so she continued, " I pack your lunch and breakfast" before she finished , he cut her off,

" I don't need any " said and leaves her like nothing happened.

MARRIED MY SISTER'S FIANCE(#Your story India)Where stories live. Discover now