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( Unedited)

Ankita POV

         After that thanks , when we both eat at the same time and we try to become normal before marriage.

         We both agree that forget the past and be a friends. We both have lot of common. We become good friends. Still I am having a nightmare but I never what to tell what happened in the dream. Arun always ask me , I told him I am not ready. And he respect my words.

         The week end we both decide to go for movie. In the evening , we saw the movie and we come one of our favorite restaurant. When I back from washroom. Someone pushed me in the wall.

" ahh. What the" I stoped my sentence becase of the person. Why he always ruin my happiness. Tears ready to pop in my eys.

"he hush me and says, " sweetheart is that wrong to come with the other guy none other than me,huh" said anger in his voice. He hold a knife in his hand. Where the hell he get the knife from.

" he is my husband"

" huh. Nahhh. Nahhh. Your soon-to-be- ex then I am your husband."

" are you crazy. Leave me . I try to get off me from him but he blocks me and trace a knife in my arm. And slice little bit"

I try to scream before he covers my mouth. In the end I hear familiar voice behind him. I make me felt sparkles in my stomach.

" Leave my wife alone" said arun and punch shayan. In a short time people call the police and hand shayan to them.

" are you alright" the words make me realize what's happening. Suddenly I don't know why I did this. I hugged him to my surprise he hugs me too.

After they did my arm first aid. And we give the police to statement. In that night when I having a nightmare again Arun try to clam me. when he try to leave I said " Don't leave me please" he did what I said.

After words, Arun and I both are sleep in the same bed. Because of nightmare I am having. Its feels so right when he holds me.

MARRIED MY SISTER'S FIANCE(#Your story India)Where stories live. Discover now