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Ankita POV

'you have to do, because of your parents and your uncle's family. If you refused the consequents will be worst. You know your amma is a heart patient  , do give them another heart break. Accept its for good' said my inner voice. I always accept my inner voice its gives rights decision always I hope this option should be right .

I don't know , the one word "Okay" going to change my world in to up and down. I never thought I going to hurt more than onces.

Its been a two weeks since we get married, I remember correctly when the first day night is my first heart break.


After the marriage my family and my uncles family went temple for blessing. The lot of rituals done finally reached my new home( uncle's home). I felt like I betrayed my sister. In these all the times my ex-brother-in-law and my husband never talked to anyone and never smile.

I know Arunesh mama and Avani were madly love each other. But what happen with in the two months before marriage everything changed.

In the night after supper. I enter my husband's room. Its really weird to call your brother-in-law as a husband. Arunesh nowhere to be seen. Then put a glass of water in near bed table. I here the door opened sound. I going to face my husband but I just shaken by fear.

"what hell are you doing in my room" said so much venom in Arunesh voice.

I flinched by his voice. I don't know what to say. I just can't.

Before I try to say, he cut me off by his voice " why the hell do agree this marriage. Huh. You know me very well and your sister. We both love each other. Maybe something happens to her. But you want to replace her place"

"No. I......"

"If you love her you not agreed to marry me.but you don't I know what the reason behind it" he said harshly.

" I ... " I try to speak again but he cut me off," Don't . I know you always get jealous by sister. She always told me that she get everything and you get jealous by that and I know her disappearance is something do by you right. I think you get jealous for she getting marry by her love of life. You cant get anyone. So you kidnap her right." he said every word with full of venom.

I don't know what he is talking about. I tried to tell him. I am not like that but every time I try to open my mouth but he put a tantrum on me.

He get more anger now. I don't know what I am going to do. My thoughts cut by a pair of strong arm tightly squeeze my two arms.

" Tell me damn it. Where the hell is she. Where did to keeping her .tell me. You know what you are nothing but a girl who wants to have others man without shame " he ask me while hurting my both arms. I know both hands are burning because of tight grip and make a mark tomorrow.

I saw the hurt, betrayal, pain ,anger so many emotions are running in his eyes. I really don't cause any of this.Why don't he believe me.

" Stop. Please stop. I don't do any thing. I swear.You are hurting me please "I told him again and again in between sobs.

All of sudden I can't hear anything and darkness consuming me. I faintly hear someone cursing and completely lost my consciousness.

MARRIED MY SISTER'S FIANCE(#Your story India)Where stories live. Discover now