" Karan told me " said arun and tell the day how he know the truth behind Avani's elope.
After that shayan incident conversation.
When karan put his phone down. He shocked to see Arunesh leans agains the door.
Tell me everything now, he ask with order in his voice.
Karan tells him what happen in the day of wedding.
" Bro, my sister Avani is not a girl you think you are. She loves someone else" said karan fear in his voice.
After silence karan continues,
" Avani always hang out with a guy, named Kalyan. I seen them together so many times. I asked her always she says they both are friends. I believed them so I kept as a promise. But there relationship continues after your engagement. I told avani, those things are wrong but she said she wants to marry because of wealth and also for parents sake. So, she act as lovely girl"
" I cant believe this , why she act with me. Why I become her victim. Because my wealth. No I cant " I mumbling like a idiot.
" I have a proof. Here" said karan and handling the letter Avani wrote.
That says,
Dear readers,
Whoever are. I am going to be with my love of life, and my babies father.i am four months pregnant. I never regret of this elope. And my sister , I am sorry to say this but I always get jealous by you. now I have a guy who loves me real I am , not like judging me like others I always love you take care of our family. BTW way poor guy, a groom. I am sorry but I enjoyed your company. but I can't marry you. If you reading this I almost get married.
I red that letter again and again. I believed Avani and she betrayed me and also says the wrong thing about Ankita.
ChickLitIts big day for both family. Two family ready to bond by the name of marriage. But when the marriage become more of a heartbreak for both family because of the bride. The bride runaway on her wedding day. The family reputation...