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Ankita POV

The next month we went court for shayan case. They declare that shayan have a mental issue so they put him under medical care. The nightmares reduced after shayan court issue. We both decided to enter a family as a husband and wife.

I stopped my work because of Arun. He told me his wife should be home and no need to work. After little argument and I agree that.

Its been six months, since we married. Today, both family having a dinner together. Tomorrow is Arun's birthday so I am making a surprise party for him. Karan and vijay boy and sowmya who is my hobby's sister come for his brothers birthday. Because she went abroad for study.

" Arun, what are you doing, come fast we are going to be late" I said waiting patiently tapping our bathroom door.

" Jas coming (he calls her Jas because of her jasmine perfume)" said Arun. When I try to put a chain which is given by Arun our sixth month anniversary, he stops me.

" May I "

" sure" he puts chain around my neck and kiss the neck."I love to hold you know, you are so fit in my arm" his words send butterflies in my stomach. Every time I feel the sparks when he near me or holds me.

"Arun. We are getting late"

" I know. I know "

" just go" and we come to kumar uncle's home. In the dinner everyone talking and teasing each other mostly karan boy tease my hubby more.

When he smile its make my heart swell with bride. He smirk when I saw him. Arrogant much.

" so guys, when you both me a aunty" asks sowmya. Everyone in the table stop eating and talking. I cant face them I kept blushing like an idiot.

" Sooonn " said a voice next to me. I shocked by Arun. Who boldly say that. After that night everybody teases me more because of my blushing .

when we enter home, I am just exhausted. " Jas , you are so beautiful when you blush" said Arun and kiss my forehead.

" arun I want to know something. Can I ask you"

" sure. Wifey"

" hmmm. Did you really like me or just pity on me" I asked him with hesitation in my voice.

" do you need honest answer"

" yeah" I said with sigh. ' I know the answer he just pity on me right because he loves my sister'I rambling ' said up' said my inner voice.

" I Don't like you" I cut him off " I know you just pity on me because of shayan" again I rambling again.

When a lip crushed into me I just shocked and look at arun's face. " let me finish" asks arun.

"Okay" I said.

" I don't like you because I love you" I cut him again , he put his finger on my lips tell me to hush " I love you , I loved your sister but that not a love just a attraction. I realized what love is . because of my wife. "

" I..... " when she begin, he cut her " I know, Its okay if you feel the same. I will waiting for that. And I know about the letter too" "

" what letter" then she realize her sister wrote a letter before run away.

" how" I asked with curiousness.

MARRIED MY SISTER'S FIANCE(#Your story India)Where stories live. Discover now