Chapter 3: Dallen

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Chapter 3: Dallen


Avery’s POV


Fallon drifted higher into the sky and when we were already thousands of feet in the air did I notice how damaged the entire forest was. Several trees were uprooted and torn to shreds; the green grasses were burnt to ashes, while the ground was soaked with gruesome purple liquid which suspiciously looked like Cabrian blood.

The forest was now deathly silent unlike awhile ago when it was filled with the sounds that the animals were making as if the shadow of death has passed by it.

My eyes scanned the forest grounds trying to see if I could make out where the Cabrians had fled to when suddenly Evanity cried out, “Look over there guys!”

I followed her gaze and saw to my utmost amazement that just right below us someone was eagle-sprawled on the ground, lying on his stomach, his face concealed from our view. Blood was gushing out from his wounds and even from up here I could tell that they were fatal and would result to death if they’re not treated properly.

“Let’s help him,” Evanity decided then made a move to direct Fallon to swerve downwards but Tarah stopped her.

“No, Vann!” Tarah said in disagreement and shook her head. “We can’t just go and help someone who we don’t even know! What if he turns out to be a Cabrian?”

Evanity snorted in annoyance completely unconvinced by her reasoning. “Then why would the Cabrians hurt him if he’s one of them?”  She grabbed the reins from Tarah’s hands then directed Fallon to swoop downwards.

We landed a few feet away then Evanity and I hurried over to him while Tarah stayed near Fallon to keep watch for incoming attacks. His back was turned away from us and I helped her turn him over so that we could see his face properly. His dark brown hair covered his eyes and Evanity swept it away from his forehead exposing his eyes which were tightly shut with pain.

I heard Evanity gasped a little as she continued to gape at the guy and mumbled something inaudibly which sounded like, “He’s handsome.” For some unknown reason, I felt my insides clenched with jealousy as I stared at his limp figure on the ground.

From the corner of my eye, I saw her emerald eyes widen at the sight of blood all over his body and she turned to face me, fear and worry etched clearly on her eyes. “Heal him, Ave!”

“What?” I cried out furrowing my forehead. “Why would I do that? For all we know he might actually be a Cabrian pretending to get hurt!”

Evanity shook her head in disagreement and in frustration. “Why do you keep thinking that he might be a Cabrian?! Can’t you see how fatal his wounds are? And if he’s really one of them then why would his fellow Cabrians hurt and abandon him here?” She leaned towards me, her green eyes looking pleadingly at me and I could see that given a few more seconds they would soon be brimming with tears.

“But –“

“Please, Ave, you’re the only one who could help him.”

I sighed and finally relented knowing that she wouldn’t give up until I heal the stranger. I ran a hand through my hair looking uncomfortable. Then I planted both of my hands over the gaping chest wound of the guy. My hands emitted a soft hue of golden light as I healed his wound and his skin slowly closed shut and when I was done his chest looked like it has never been wounded before.

“Thanks, Ave,” To my surprise, Evanity pulled me into a hug and I couldn’t help but grin in this slight turn of events.

She finally let go of me and we turned our attention back to the guy right before us. He fluttered his eyelids exposing his amber colored eyes then his gaze fell on Evanity and I saw how his eyes widened at the sight of her.

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