Chapter 6: Doubts And Suspicions

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Evanity’s POV


“I had a lot of fun during our training this afternoon, Dallen,” I told him with a smile as we both lied down on the soft patch of grass on the ground. We just finished battling each other and as expected he won the duel. We had decided to call it a night and settled ourselves to sleep under the shade of a huge oak tree.

 He lifted his gaze away from the starry night sky, turned to face me and grinned back happily. “Yeah, me too. We should do it again tomorrow.”

Then we both fell into a comfortable silence neither one of us talking as we stared straight up into the night sky. The moon was full and bright tonight illuminating the entire place with its luminous rays of light. Animal sounds filled the air all around us as they became active enough to hunt for food.

Several more minutes passed in total silence and I turned my head to face Dallen once again and saw that his amber eyes had already closed and that he had fallen asleep. Sighing contentedly, I shifted closer towards him and lifted his arm and positioned it so that it was curled comfortably around my waist. I slowly snapped my eyes shut and then finally felt myself drifting off to sleep.


I woke up to the sound of my own name being whispered through the darkness of the night and to someone gently shaking my shoulders. “Vann…”

I yawned widely then gradually opened my eyes to see Avery in front of me looking thoroughly perturbed about something. “What is it, Ave? Is it my turn to take watch?”

“No,” he said his blue eyes boring into mine. “But I’ve got something very important to tell you.”

“Go ahead and tell me,” I said and sat up straighter to focus my whole attention to him.

“It’s too private. We have to go somewhere else to talk about it,” he told me his gaze shifting warily towards Dallen who still hasn’t stirred from his sleep.

“Umm… alright then,” I replied looking baffled. I got to my feet then casted another glance at Dallen’s direction. I bent down and whispered softly on his ear, “I’ll be right back.” Then I straightened and swiveled to face Avery and said, “Lead the way.”


Avery led me towards the direction of the river where we sat on the edge and let our legs dangle on the water’s surface. The silence of the night was engulfed by the loud churning waters of the river and I turned my attention to him and asked curiously, “What is it that you wanted to tell me, Ave?”

“It’s about… Dallen,” he said hesitantly raising his gaze to meet mine.

At the sound of his name, a chill suddenly went down my spine and for some unknown reason I’ve got a bad feeling of what he was about to say next. “What about him?”

“I know that you won’t believe me when I tell you this but…” he started out in a rush. Then he took a deep breath and said, “Dallen’s actually a Cabrian.”

My mind went blank as soon as he said those words that I wasn’t really expecting to hear from him. As soon as his words registered in my mind, my eyes widened in disbelief and I felt my jaw dropped open incredulously as I stared back at him wondering if I heard him right.

“No. That’s impossible.”

“It’s true, Vann.”

“No! YOU’RE LYING!” I screamed harshly at him that he flinched at the sharpness of my words. Immediately, I could feel tears stinging my eyes as the memories of me and Dallen flashed through my mind each one more beautiful than the last. I scrambled back to my feet almost slipping on the damp grass at the edge of the river then took a few steps away from him looking horrorstruck. “That’s not true…” I shook my head vehemently in disagreement.

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