Chapter 4: Kiss Of Life

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Avery's POV


The late afternoon sun was already sinking over the horizon when Tarah finally told Evanity, “It’s getting dark now. We better land and set our camp near the edge of the river and continue our journey towards Javvah City by tomorrow morning.”

Evanity nodded and steered Fallon downwards then we finally landed near the side of a huge Dalian river which filled the empty forest with its loud rushing waters because of its swift current.

When we dismounted off Evanity’s peregrine falcon-seclaire, I saw my sister’s face lit up with excitement as she glanced up from scanning her map. “Guys! Tomorrow in an hour’s travel we’ll finally arrive in Javvah City!”

“That’s great!” Evanity cried out clearly elated. She headed over towards Tarah to examine the course of the path that we have to take by tomorrow morning.

On the other hand, Dallen and I stood awkwardly a few feet apart neither one of us looking at each other. To my utmost astonishment he slowly approached me and putting on an apologetic face he said, “Avery, I’m so sorry for misleading you awhile ago. It won’t happen again.”

I faced him then looked directly at his amber eyes noting how his tawny almond-shaped eyes glittered in the late afternoon sunlight. Then I ran a hand through my sandy brown hair feeling quite uncomfortable at him apologizing to me after the way I yelled at him awhile ago for just leading us to the wrong direction. “Its fine, man. Things like that can happen sometimes.”

“I’m glad that everything’s fine between both of us,” Dallen said smiling at me looking relieved. “I don’t want to get someone angry at me so quickly over small things.”

My lips cracked into a half smile and I replied, “I’m sorry too for getting angry at you so easily. I shouldn’t have shouted at you.”

“Hey, no hard feelings,” he answered returning my forced smile. He slapped a hand on my back then walked away towards Evanity’s direction.

As soon as he left my side I scanned the entire area looking for my younger sister. I couldn’t wait to tell her what just happened and all about my suspicions regarding Dallen and about how we shouldn’t trust him despite the fact that he just apologized to me only a few minutes ago. Instead, my eyes fell upon a piece of folded paper that has fallen from Dallen’s pocket.

My curiosity pricked up all of a sudden and I headed towards it and bent down to pick it up. I looked around me if anybody noticed and saw that they were all busy. Evanity was chatting with Dallen while on the other hand Tarah was busy preparing our food for dinner.

She waved a hand at me motioning me to come over to her. “Ave, help me build a fire.”

 Stuffing the paper inside my pocket, I headed towards her and assisted her in creating a fire.


Several minutes later, while our dinner was getting cooked by Tarah, I decided that it was best if Evanity and I would continue our sword fighting duel. Besides that I want to train her in sword fighting, I couldn’t stand seeing the two of them together all the time, laughing and talking to each other like they were the best of friends. I couldn’t help but keep my hands tightly clenched into fists at my sides and gnashing my teeth in the frustration of seeing Dallen flirt with her.

Taking a deep breath, I made my way towards them and ignoring Dallen’s gaze on me I stared down at Evanity who was sitting on a fallen log next to Dallen and said, “Let’s get some more training done before we have dinner. Is that alright with you?”

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