Chapter 11: Entrance To The Dalian Avilar

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Tarah’s POV


It was a great way to start the morning by letting the cold morning wind rush through my face making my long auburn brown hair sway wildly at my back. Evanity sat in front of us steering her peregrine-seclaire Fallon while I sat right between her and Avery who brought up the rear. Glancing down at the sheer drop below us, I stared at the crystal waters of the forest lake which glimmered as the sunlight reflected against it creating small specks of diamond light on the lake’s surface.

The wind whistled in my ears making my ears grow colder as we flew farther away from the place where we had set camp last night. Until now, I could hardly believe that after everything we’ve been through already we still managed to get here in one piece and achieve almost half of our mission.

Just like before, Evanity allowed Fallon to dive downwards at breakneck speed then stopped when we were almost at the lake’s surface and let him dip his talons at the waters then did the same thing by immersing her hand. Avery and I both imitated her then plunge our hands on the lake waters feeling its icy coldness creep into our hands then pulled them out once again.

“It’s so cold,” I murmured to the two of them, shivering slightly as I tried to warm myself by rubbing both of my hands together.

“That sounds so ironic coming from the Ice Davian herself,” Avery joked grinning teasingly at me. He and Evanity laughed together while I pretended to scowl at them in annoyance.

“Very funny guys!” I told both of them, rolling my eyes. “I may be called the Ice Davian but that still doesn’t make me resistant to the cold. But I do have a much better tolerance to the cold than both of you.”

Evanity began to direct Fallon upwards and her seclaire soared into the air once again. Then he swiftly took off towards the southeast direction once more. We drifted through the sky for several minutes longer when all of a sudden Evanity pulled Fallon’s reins to a stop then let out a gasp.  

“What’s wrong, Vann?” I asked her in concern.

She didn’t reply but instead stared just straight ahead of her with a look of awe. Following her gaze, I felt my own eyes widen as I stared mesmerized at the towering structure just ahead of us. It was just like how I’ve always remembered it when we used to go there when we were still little kids. The lake ended right at a huge waterfall with its crystal clear waters giving off a radiant kind of sparkle which illuminated the entire area and also giving vitality to those who live in it. But what really astonished the three of us the most was the majestic palace floating in the middle of the water just where the falls water’s cascaded down the precipice forming a beautiful arch rainbow over the palace. To complete its appearance there were also four elegant-looking fountains surrounding the palace’s four corners bathing it in a crystal blue glow under the sun.

Avery was the first one to regain his composure and he said, “That’s it! That’s the Dalian Avilar! Come on guys, what are we waiting for? Let’s go now.”

Evanity nodded and then started to lead Fallon towards the magnificent palace. We were just about to reach the drawbridge leading to the entrance of the avilar since the entire palace was surrounded by a moat when Fallon halted on his tracks again for the second time around then continuously beat his wing to remain airborne. 

“What’s wrong, Fallon?” Evanity asked her seclaire sounding baffled.

Avery and I exchanged apprehensive looks with each other while she communicated mentally with her seclaire. Finally, Evanity furrowed her brow and said, “Fallon says that we can no longer go farther than here.”

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