Chapter 30: Hurricane Of Events

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Solaire's POV

I snapped my eyes open blinking a couple of times as I let them adjust to my dark surroundings. I looked up immediately realizing that night has already fallen and several stars were sparkling brightly in the sky while a full moon hung overhead casting its dim glow all over the area.

The events that happened awhile ago suddenly came flooding back into my mind. I glanced all around me to see where Evanity was but because it was pitch-black I could hardly make anything out in the darkness. I felt something coiled around my wrists and I tried to move my hands but I couldn't do so. Then I realized that I was leaning back against a huge tree with my hands binded by thick ropes behind me. No matter how hard I try to struggle against the ropes they wouldn't break free and seemed to be digging deeper into my flesh.

I felt my jaw clench when comprehension dawned on me that I wouldn't be able to free myself from the ropes that binded me. I guess that left me with no other choice but to ask for help. Taking a deep breath, I whispered into the darkness, "Evanity?"

Silence. The wind breezed its way past me whipping my golden blonde hair into my face and I shook my head a few times to remove the strands out of it. "Evanity?" I tried again a little louder hoping that she'll hear me this time. "Where are you?"

There was still no reply. Worry and fear began clawing at my heart at the thought of the Cabrians doing something horrible to her. Instantly, I regretted arguing with her awhile ago about not coming back with her to the avilar when all she wanted was to keep me safe. And now look at where it has gotten us to.

"Evanity?" I cried out again. I called out for her a few more times my voice sounding desperate than the last one when my calls were answered by only silence.

A twig suddenly snapped a few feet away from me breaking the eerie silence of the area. I tense immediately the thumping beat of my heart filling my ears as fear and trepidation began to settle on me.

The sound of footsteps reached my ears coming closer towards me and I braced myself for any Cabrian who might dare to assault me. Instead, I found myself looking at Evanity. A shadow fell across her face because of the faint moonlight making it hard to see her features except for the vivid hue of her green eyes. I almost screamed out in relief but before I could do so she clapped a hand on my mouth and whispered in my ear, "Don't shout. You'll wake them up."

I nodded silently my eyes wide open as my heart beat returned to its regular rhythm. She removed her hand from my mouth and pulled out a small Swiss knife from her pocket then started to cut through the ropes binding me to the tree.

"Where have you been?" I asked her in a low voice still finding it hard to believe that she had come into my rescue.

"They also tied me up to a tree awhile ago just like what they did to you," she replied while continuing to work on the ropes. "Fortunately, I've got my knife and so when they fell asleep I took the chance to cut myself free from my ropes and started looking for you."

"Thanks, Evanity," I whispered to her gratefully. Remorse flooded into my chest and I bit back my lip wondering if I should apologize to her. "I'm so sorry about awhile ago-"

"Now's not the time for apologizing, Sol," she interrupted me finally succeeding in cutting off all of my ropes. "We've got to get out of here."

I nodded rubbing my wrist with my hand in a vain effort to lessen the pain.

"Come on," Without another word, Evanity sprinted ahead of me and I followed right behind her.

I finally caught up next to her and we continued running across the clearing where we were both held captive. The woods was located at the other side of the clearing and hopefully the thick mass of trees as well as the darkness would make us blend well into our surroundings so that they couldn't find us. Several yards away was a huge saltwater lake reflecting the weak rays of moonlight on its calm surface.

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