Chapter 6

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Alex let go of me and we walked out of that terrible room. Now we had to check on the others and then look for survivors. I looked down as we were walking and my mind began to wander. A lot had happened in one day. Most of it death related. That made me think of my family again. Were they even alive? Everyone else must've been worried about their families as well.

As soon as we could we'd have to find a way to get to each of our families. I was also worried about a friend of mine who lived close by but went to a different high school. Had her school gone through this terrible outbreak of sudden cannibalism too? Or had it not even reached them yet?

".....anna?" I looked up at Alex.

He wasn't looking at me, he was leading the way back, but I could tell he had already called my name several times before I realized it.

"Yeah," I asked.

"You ok?" He took a quick glance back and I smiled to show I was fine. Seeing that I was ok, he continued. "I was thinking, maybe you should sit the search for survivors out."

"What? But why?"

"You're covered in blood, sweat, and tears. I don't think people will be so willing to follow us if our leader looks as terrifying as you do." I stopped dead in my tracks for a second. Alex looked back and stopped as well. "What's wrong," he asked.

"Why did you call me that?"

He looked at me confused.

"What? Terrifying?"

I shook my head.

"No. Why did you call me your leader? I never claimed to be. I don't exactly want it either."

"You were the first to take charge. The one who came up with most of the plan. I mean come on. You've been the one giving orders and keeping us sane. If anything, I think you've proven to everyone that you should take charge."

"But I didn't mean to."

"Which is exactly why you qualify. No one else acted the way you did the moment the world went to hell," he said.

I stood silent for a moment. Alex started walking again so I followed. As we walked passed the 300 hall a terrific scream reached us and before I knew what was happening Alex was yet again tackled to the ground. In a state of panic I pushed his attacker off but she scratched his right arm with her long nails. Alex cried out in pain. Then the girl, who looked extra scary with her goth-like make up, stood and charged at me. I swung with my "machete" but missed and she almost took a chunk out of my shoulder.

I took a step back. As she stumbled a bit I took a quick glance at Alex. He was up but was clutching his bleeding arm with his free hand. I turned back to the girl. Before she could charge again I took a powerful swing and lodged my weapon into her skull. She went limp so I yanked my weapon out and turned my attention back to Alex.

I grabbed his hand to look at his cuts and he winced and tried to pull it back. I kept my grip. The scratches were deep but I didn't think she cut a vein. Remembering when I took my shoes off, I looked around for my socks. Seeing them I ran and picked them up. They were knee-highs so I tied one just below Alex's elbow. Then used the other to wipe away some of the blood.

"Come on," I said still holding his hand.

I began leading him down the hall towards the nurse's office.

"Wait, what are we doing? We gotta get back to the others."

"No I need to make sure that you'll be ok. I need to clean your arm up better and see if I can find something to bandage it with."

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