Chapter 20 - Drunk and High

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Ro's PoV;
Mar sits me down and does my makeup.She does a shimmery smokey eye and a nude glossy lip.She obviously cakes me in foundation and concealer.

I straighten my hair and put on my lacy dress.I also put on my lacy heels to match.
I put on my dainty necklace and bracelet.

On the way I grab my purse and we walk to the bar.

We walk in and go up to the bar.I sit down and so do the others.We order some beers and just chat.

I look around the room and my eyes catch Eric's.I smile and so does he.He looks very handsome tonight.

He has a tight black tee and dark grey jeans.He is wearing black converse.His hair is all done up with gel.

I look away because we can't let anyone know about Eric and I.

The gang and I are all finished our first bottle.I look at the bar and am in shock.The bartender has changed.Its now Zach.

Before I say anything he stops me
"Before you say anything and before your brother tries to punch me,I'm only here to work!"

"Ok" I say.
"What can I get you?" He says.
"Beers all around" I reply emotionlessly.
"On the house,No one deserves to be treated how I treated you."
I don't respond,just nod.

Zach's PoV;
Ro and her friends just ordered some drinks.I take out the bottles of beer and then I run into the back for a minute.

I open a sachet of powder and put it into one beer.

If I can't have Ro,I can at least have some fun with this.

I bring the beers back out and hand the one with the powder to Ro.She takes a sip.Now I just need to wait for it to set in.

Ro's PoV;
I take a sip of my second beer and then another and another.
After a little bit I'm alone again,just like the stage one party.

Lynn is God knows where,Mar and Uri are in the bathroom.So are Four and Tris.I start to feel a bit funny.

Everything's a bit fuzzy and wobbly.My head is spinning.Zach comes out from the bar.Zach seems so nice! Pitty he's an asshole. Hahaha!

"Wanna dance?" He says and I laugh.I stand up and start to dance.Zach puts his hands in places he probably shouldn't,but I am not in full control of my body.

Zach pulls me by my hands and around the corner to a quiet area.He pushes me against a wall and starts to kiss my neck.He puts his hands underneath my dress and starts to feel around.

I can't do anything to stop it.I can't even scream for help.My thoughts are trapped in my head and won't go any further than that.

After a while Zach gets bored and starts to unclip my bra.I am panicking.

I feel Zach being pulled off me so I sink to the ground.I her some fighting going on but I stay still.I am scooped up in someone's arms.I can't quiet make out who until they speak.

"Your ok now Ro,I'm here"
It's Eric,
He saved me.

Eric's PoV;
I look around and can't see Ro anymore.I start to panic.

"Look guys I need to go,I have some unfinished business." I say.

The other leaders understand so I stand up.I walk around looking for Ro.I eventually head outside and see her being pushed up against a wall.Zach is feeling her and unzipping her bra.

I run over and pull him off her.Her frail figure sinks to the ground.I punch Zach in the face and I kick him in the groin.He is unconscious.

I walk over and pick Ro up.She has been drugged,I can tell.
"Your ok now Ro,I'm here"I say to her and she seems to relax.

I walk back to my apartment and anytime someone walks by I make sure to hide her face so they think I'm just brining some random chick home with me.

I unlock the door and walk in.I set Ro gently down on the couch and go into the kitchen.I have a homemade remedy for being high.

When I joined dauntless,I was a bit of an addict.
I got in with the wrong people and most of the time we would be high.Everyone has a past,That's not even my whole past.

I got over the addiction shortly after joining dauntless.I decided that I needed to have a new beginning.

But I still know how to make the remedy I used to hide my highness from my mother.
It's made from espresso coffee and thyme leafs.

I mix them up.The only thing about it is you get drunk.I don't know how so don't ask.But back in erudite it was better to be drunk than high.

My mother still hated the way I 'drank'.She eventually found out I was on drugs and made me stay indoors.That explains my amazing people skills.
She was ashamed of me.

I walk into the living room with the drink.
Ro is sitting on the couch,laughing at nothing.

"Ro your drink was drugged,This is a remedy.You will be slightly tipsy." I explain to her as I pass her the drink.

"Okie dokey Ericy!" She says laughing.
She takes a sip of it and then slugs off the whole thing.

It's fast working so within a minute she is very drunk.She looks at me and says "you are the bested boyfriend ever!" In a slurred voice.My heart melts at the word "boyfriend" but I know she is drunk.

She falls asleep on my shoulder.
"Your the bestest girlfriend ever too,Ro" I say quietly.

I carry her into my bedroom and lay her on the bed.I go to leave and head to
The couch when a sleepy,slurred voice stops me
"Stay with me" she says while pulling me onto the bed.I just nod.I lay beside her and she says
"Yeah?" I reply.
"Do you love me??" She slurs.
"I do Ro" I say knowing that she won't remember anything in the morning.

Yes people the cruel,Evil dauntless leader has a heart,and that heart belongs to my Ro.

Hey guys!! So this is chapter 20.It gives you a bit about Erics past.I am going to be doing a book called "the boy in blue" when I'm done this series.Its going to be about Erics past.
When this hits 30 views I'll post chapter 21!

Bye pansycakes,
Aimee xxxx

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